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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Depth Profile of Double Bond Conversion As a Funtcion of Absorbed
For most photoinduced free radical based polymerizations, the uniformity of double bond conversion as a function of coating thickness as well as a high total degree of conversion 1, 2] are crucial for the performance characteristics of the photopolymerized coating. In this study, the influence of irradiance (lo) and photoinitiator concentration Ph!
Cationic UV Curing of Thick Sections
Cationic UV is typically used in coating and ink applications, which are generally applied as thinfilms (<6 microns). Curing thicker sections is important for applications like, , and . Cationics have benefits for these types of applications. The low shrinkage of cationics is important for limited distortion during cure and the excellent adhesio
Drupa 2000 - Milestone in the UV - Technology / Future Possibilities
The DRUPA 2000 gave a decisive impetus of growth to the whole graphic arts industry. Technological innovations of the relatively young UV technology were also pushed considerably.This presentation will show you the possible fields of application and the chances that can thuspresent themselves. Already today the UV technology shows an annual increas
Novel UV-curable nanocomposite materials
             Composite materials have now become commonplace and are increasingly used in industrial applications, where they offer the advantage of low weight associated high strength, stiffness and durability. Notableexamples include sandwich structures, laminates, reinforced polyme
Doped UV Arc Lamp - Performnces and Limits of Operation
The mercury high pressure gas discharge lamp is the UV source which is mostly used for curing. It is a very efficient lamp to produce intense UV-C (200 - 280 nm) radiation. However, there are more and more applications as for instance strongly pigmented lacquers or thicker anti-corrosion layers where the optical paths to the photoinitiators get lon
Sensation of Cleavage Reactions in Photoinitiator Research. Quantitative Assessment by Magnetic-Resonance Methodology
Photoinitiators are the key components in numerous applications using light-induced curing. Indeed, the photoinitiator is responsible for the light absorption and the production of free radicals which initiate the polymerization process (Scheme 1).However, free radicals can not only be produced by direct irradiation of the photoinitiator (A-B): but
Pigmented UV-curable coatings with outstanding through curing properties
Most from the reason of reduction of solvents in paints and coatings, the curing of liquid coatings byusing UV-radiation becomes more and more popular. In the beginning of this technology more than 20 years ago, the usage of UV-acrylates was more or less limited to transparent coatings. With thedevelopment of a new class of photoinitiators by BASE
The Status of UV Curable Powder Coatings in North America
The joke used to be that North American powder manufacturers couldn't even spell UV.Today that just isn't the case any more. At least a dozen powder manufacturers havebeen to our laboratory to run parts at one time or another. At least half of these suppliershave developed commercial UV powder products.