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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Mono and Multifunctional Maleimides as Photoinitiators in UV Curing Formulations
Maleimides as photoinitiators of acrylate polymensation are considered. The optimisation of cure conditions reveal that H bulbs, nitrogen inerting and use of tertiary amine synergists dramatically improve the photoinitiating efficiency of maleimides.Optimisation of the chemical structure reveals that aliphatic maleimides with a methylene group atta
LFC 1001 in printing inks
A new bifunctional photoinitiator is presented It reacts in combination with an hydrogen donors, in particular tertiary amines. It is suitable for pigmented systems, especially for thin layers UV curable printing inks based on dark pigments. One of its peculiarities, in comparison to the other photoinitiators, is the absence of odour developed duri
New Aspects of UV-Drying of Screen Printing Inks
Since the last RADTECH in Lyon we can see on this congress a lot of new developments by inks andcoatings, dryer units, constructions, lamps and bulbs in UV-EB-cunng a.s.o. This is also valid in the screen printing industry. At first we will set up some points which would be discussed in this paper.1. New Screen Printing Inks and Coatings, 2. New Bu
Surface Modification of UV-cured urethane acrylate coatings by addition of fluoro or silicone acrylic monomers
During the last decade, great progress has been achieved in the chemistry of radiation-curablesystems. Their use as a means of protecting surfaces by a fast drying process has been widelyaccepted in many industrial fields such as graphic arts, coatings, microelectronics, and composites. The control of surface properties such as surface tension, sli
The Furure of Money.... The way Forward is Clear
  My background is one of banknote design and banknote printing which will cause many of you I'msure to question why I'm here to present a paper at Radlech. I hope the answer to this question willbecome clear as I continue. 
Acceptor Monomers as efficient Hydrogen Abstracting Photoinitiators
In several recent reports, the efficient photoinitiated polymerization by excitedstate maleimides have been shown in numerous acceptor / donor pair combinations 1-10] The strong hydrogen abstractability of the excited triplet state Ml has also been evaluated in initiation of acrylate polymerization and the importance of available abstractable hydro
A Reappraisal of Some Properties of Thioxanthone as Photoinitiator by Thermal Lens and Picosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
On the example of Thioxanthone (TX) it is shown that time resolved thermal lens (TRTL), spectroscopy and picosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (PTAS) provide valuable informations on the primary processes involved in the photoinitiation step. On one hand, TRTL isused to determine the triplet quantum yield 'T in different solvents. It is foun
Sensited Photopolymerization of Maleimide/Acrylate Systems
As photocuring of monomer mixtures to produce highly crosslinked films with desirable physicalproperties for a wide variety of uses continues to grow and expand, there is a continual need todevelop fast photoinitiator packages. Certainly, new low cost I high efficiency photoinitiatorswould find widespread uses in both traditional and new photocunng