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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Effect of phenolic compounds on the primary processes of photopolymerization
The photopolymenzation of acrylate resins on wood surfaces suffers from retardation and inhibitioneffects due to phenolic derivatives present at the interface. In this paper, the global effect of eugenolon the polymerization process is recorded by differential scanning calorimetry and photocalorimetry(DSC/DSP). A comparison between a direct photocl
Light Induces Polymerization of photoinitiator-free Donor/Acceptor Monomer Systems
The photoinduced polymerization of electron donor/electron acceptor monomer systems has been extensively studied in the past few years, in particular the combination of vinyl ethers WE) and Nsubstituted maleimides (Ml) 17 These non-acrylate UV-curable resins have the distinct advantage of undergoing a rapid polymerization when exposed to UV-radiati
Photoinitator efficiency in water-borne UV curable coatings
The absence of solvents and the possibility of complete elimination of VOC emissions belong to the main advantages of UV curable coating materials. Additionally, the overall expenditure of radiation curing technology is lower due to reduced requirements with respect to processing time, place, and energy needed for curing as well as for solvent remo
The Succes Story of an End User
For over three years LTS has been successfully using the UV Flexopnnt process for its pharmaceutical packaging. In the summer of 1996, after a practically two year trial phase, LTSdecided in favour of this printing process. Up to this point in time, all packaging for our transdermal systems had been purchased externally from rotogravure printers. T
Photopolymerization of Multifunctional Monomers. Time Dependence of Polymerization Kinetic Constants According to Various Models of Termination Process
The time behavior of kinetic constants during dark reaction after cutting off the irradiation of a multimethacrylate-based polymerizing system was studied. The initiation was stopped at variousdegrees of double bond conversion. The kinetic constants were determined from three terminationmodels: monomolecular, bimolecular and mixed. Discussion conce
Pigments and Oligomers for Inks - Moving Towards the Best Combination
The formulation of UV curable printing inks depends on several complex factors. If the individualcomponents of the ink are not complementary, then performance problems can arise. One critical combination is that between the pigment and the oligomer. In a new approach to improve understanding of pigment/oligomer interactions, the resources of a pigm
Kinetic Studies of Photoinitiated Dimethacrylate Copolymers
Kinetic studies of viscous dimethacrylates copolymenzed with reactive diluents are complicatedby the fact that both initial viscosity and monomer structure play important, and sometimescompeting, roles in the diffusion controlled kinetics of these photopolymerizations. However, onecan separate the effects of viscosity and monomer structure by utili
Abrasion Resistance and Molecular Properties of UV-Cured Polymer Films
The abrasion resistance of UV cured coating was studied as a function of coating resins composition, crosslink density and mechanical properties. The molecular and mechanical properties correlation with abrasion resistance was monitored as a function of time of exposure to harsh environments such as ultraviolet light, or high temperature and humidi