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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
The Mechinical Performances of Urethane Acrylate Oligomers
Urethane acrylate oligomers are being used in a growing extent in many different applications where UV technology takes place. In order to develop coatings with predefined properties, relationships between the physico-chemical characteristics and the "applióative" (or functional) properties of the photocured material are required. In this paper, se
UV Curing Printing Inks Food Packaging
Energy cured inks and coatings have been used for many years to print food packages but because the technology is still perceived as new and chemically complicated, it has been the burden of the formulator to fully prove its suitability for the end product. Much work has been carried out to ensure the efficient curing of the system but many times t
Termination in Photopolymerization of Methacrylic Monomers Using FTIR and EPR Spectroscopy
              There are three primary reactions that define a polymerization: initiation, propagation, and termination. Of these three, the termination reaction is the aspect of crosslinking polymerizations that is least understood and of utmost importance to the properties of th
Photopolymerization Kinetics in Polymer / Liquid Crystal Composites
This manuscript focuses on our recent work involving photopolymenzations of monomers in a liquid crystalline environment. In particular, this effort concentrates on understanding the influence of a liquid crystalline medium and monomer segregation on polymerization kinetics and polymer structure. These studies are of considerable importance for pol
A Novel Low Odour Photoinitiator for Dark Pigmented Systems
 A new class of bifunctional photoinitiators that contains in the same molecule differentphotoinitiating moieties has been developed. The best candidate of the class, LFC 1001, ischaracterised by high efficiency in radical polymerisation of acrylic coatings. The photoinitiator isparticularly suitable for UV curing of dark pigmented inks. One o
A Novel Way Of Characterizing Photocrosslinked Systems
In this study, a photocurable system which contains dimethacrylated anhydride as a crosslinkerwas characterized. 2-Methoxyethyl methacrylate and methacrylic anhydride were photopolymerized in bulk to obtain a crosslinked network that maintains hydrolyzable anhydride linkages. This material provides the opportunity to degrade the crosslinks and obta
Adequate Protective Gloves for Working with UV/EB-Curing Acrylates
   UV/EB-curing acrylates are highly reactive. This is what makes them to cure rapidly.A possible side effect is that these products may cause skin irritation reactions in certain persons when they come (frequently) in contact with the skin. This is why in Safety Datasheets of these products as well as the formulations containing the
Possilbilities of Three-Dimensional Curing of UV-Curable Clear Coats in Car Body Finish from the Viewpoint of a Coating Equipment Supplier
After the clear coat paint evolution of the last years that had the major target to drastically reduce the solvent emissions (figure 1), the employment of UV curable paints for car body paint application is being discussed increasingly.The employment of UV curable paints has numerous advantages, such as:o improved product quality,o increased produc