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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
UV Curable Powder Coatings Based on Hyperbranched Polymers
UV curable powder coatings is perhaps one of the most challenging developments in radiationcuring today. The desire to be able to apply powder coatings on heat sensitive substrates hastriggered extensive research during the last decade.One of the main advantages with powder coatings is that they are zero-VOC systems, i.e. theycontain no solvents, w
Latest investigation in the UV-Inert technology
The hardening of coatings by high-energy radiation is still a relatively new technology. The use ofultra-violet radiation in particular only really started to gain acceptance in the 1 980s following thedevelopment of suitable binders, initiators and cunng equipment, and has been growing at an aboveaverage rate ever since. By curing in an inert atmo
High Speed Line with UV and EB Curing
Polytype is a leading Engineering and Manufacturing Company and manufactures amongother equipment, machines for the paper, film and foil converting industry. Since Spring 1993 and newly from Summer 1999, Polytype will have at their facilities at Fribourg, Switzerland, some of the most advanced multipurpose Pilot Plants in the world. The plants are
Flexographic Inks: The Compromise
The key in achieving good UV flexographic inks is related to pigment wetting, ink rheology and reactivity of the formulated system. Rheological behaviour with the right amount of well-chosen pigment is in direct relation to pigment wetting. These bring many different properties to the formulated ink such as good dispersion, good flow, good transfer
Weathering of Radiation Curable Coatings
Since its introduction more than 25 years ago commercial radiation curing has experienced a continuous growth as a result of its environmental and technological advantages. Despite having amarket share of only approximately 4% this technology and the corresponding demand for its rawmaterials is expected to show growth significantly above the averag
Vinyl Ethers in UV Curing: Copolymers with Acrylates and Unsaturated Polyesters
Vinyl ethers are well known candidates to substitute styrene and monomeric acrylates as reactive diluents in UV formulations due to their better toxicological profile. The paper will demonstrate the ability of vinyl ethers to significantly reduce the formulation viscosity. The copolymerization behaviour of vinyl ethers with acrylates and unsaturate
Copolymerisable Carbohydrate Modified Photointiators
Water borne systems find a still increasing number of applications such as homogenous and micellar photopolymerization, photografting, surface coating, image , because of their ecologically safe design. A great variety of photoinitiators (Pis) have already been described to be efficient in such systems. Traditional oil soluble photoinitiators have
UV Curing System for Refreshing Application
Time — and particularly the time saved for drying — is an important parameter in automotiverefinishing shops.Now some people might think that boosting the curing temperature to 300 °C is the way forward.Unfortunately it isn't. This approach may well cut the drying time to 5 minutes but will most likelyresult in a melted hat shelf and barbecued loud