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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Mechanism of the sensitized decomposition of o-acyloximes used as photobase generators
The sensitized decomposition of two different 0-acyloximes has been examined according to i) energytransfer or / and ii) electron transfer processes. The determination of the different triplet energy levels allows todiscuss the mechanisms of decomposition.
New Generation of High Power Electronic Ballasts
In this paper different design technologies of electronic ballasts and their system as well as lamprelated characteristics are presented. The profitable appliance of medium pressure mercury discharge lamps in UV curing is basically linked to the quality of thermal and electrical lamp operating conditions. Especially the highly loaded and doped disc
UV curable Clearcoats - A Scratch Resistant and Weatherfast Alternative to Thermosetting Clearcoats
UV-curing has found over the past years increasing number of industrial applications and will find even more areas of applications in the years to come. The major reasons for that are its unique benefits, e.g. solvent free formulations, high cure speed and low temperature processing. In addition to these benefits two additional properties of UV-cur
Application of Flow Injection Polymer Analysis for the Rapid Characterization of Materials Used in the Optical Fiber Industry
While Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) is a powerful tool for the characterization of polymers, it can be time consuming which makes it less desirable for quality control purposes. We are introducing a relatively new method called Flow Injection Polymer Analysis (FIPA) for the rapid characterization of materials used in the fiber optics industry
UV/EB Silicone Realease Coating - Global Approach
UV Silicone release coatings have been industrial for. more than ten years. However, their market share is still rather low in comparison with solventless thermal re!ease coatings. The st century should show an increase of UV curing silicone material sales; Indeed, worries over release instability with UV silicone systems are fewer and fewer with t