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Recent Developments And Applications Of Uv/Eb Curable Silicone Acrylates
The history of radiation curing technology and products for release coating is wellknown to all of you. Therefore, today we will concentrate on new ideas and firstresults coming from the laboratories of the Th. Goldschmidt Company, who standsas a pioneer for the chemistry of UV and EB curable silicone acrylates.The main intention of this presentati
Reactivity and Oxygen Inhibition Of Uv Cured Formulations Studied By Real-Time Infrared Spectroscopy
Oxygen inhibition of free radical polymerization is the most severe handicap for radiationcuring technology. Oxygen inhibition is slowing down the reaction rate, limitingproduction speed, and is the reason for bad curing of the surface layer (tackiness). For mostapplications a properly cured surface is the most important asset of the coating with r
Test Methods for Degree of EB Cure
Radiation Curing has proved to be an efficient method to provide polymeric layers byexposing liquid systems to UV or EB radiation. Besides the absence of non-reactive volatilesolvents (VOCs) still used in many coatings, printing inks and impregnants it is the advantageto gain a 100 % conversion of suitable systems within fractions of a second. Besi
Vinylethers As Reactive Diluents For Epoxy Silicone Release Coatings
Ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) curable release coatings continue to growin popularity. Fueling this growth are many unique features including the ability tobe cured at, or slightly above, room temperature with no solvent emissions. Mostsuccessful release coating formulations are based on silicone resins. Acrylatefunctional silicones are re
Colorimetric Evaluation of Pigments in EBC Systems
The use of solvent free UV- (Ultraviolet) and EBC- (Electron Beam Curable) printing inksleads to a remarkable reduction in VOCs in the environment and at the working place.For a radiation curable ink it is a must that the color shade, the brilliancy and the lightnessof the print does not change after irradiation or - if it changes - the change must
Recent Progress In The Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization Of Cycloaliphatic Epoxy Systems
The photoinduced cationic polymerization of cycloaliphatic epoxide basedsystems continues to succeed in an increasing number of applications. The growingexperience in the formulation of these systems have greatly improved their versatility andpotential.The cure rate of cationic photopolymerization can be largely influenced by thenature of the compo
Chemical Resistance Of Uv Curable Formulations: The Effect Of Solvents
Chemical resistance can be understood in two different ways : solvent resistance or chemicalattack. Solvent resistance is one of the main requirements any coating has to pass, and thisapplies to any kind of application : furniture, flooring, metal decoration, etc... The solventresistance test is performed most of the time by rub test using Methyl E
E-Beam Equipment And Applications
Improved economic conditions, advances in e-beam chemistry and e-beam processingtechnology, and expansion of production capacity by multi-national companies have allcontributed to increases in the installed base of e-beam processors in Europe during the past2-3 years. In addition to the "traditional" e-beam applications in the curing of printing in