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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Formulation Aspects Of Uv/Eb Curable Metal Coatings
In the last 20-30 years ecological requirements caused high interest in coatingsystems which allow both reduction of VOC emission and a decrease in energyconsumption for drying and hardening. Thus, the coatings industry and rawmaterials suppliers have made strong efforts to find new solutions and improvementsfor waterborne coatings, high-solids, po
New Uv/Eb Curable Vinyl Ethers: Physical Properties And Suggested Applications
In recent years vinyl ethers (VE' s) have received increasing attention as materialsthat can be used to produce UV/EB curable coatings (1). Vinyl ethers are used in anumber of demanding photocure applications that range from inks and adhesives tostereolithography (2). Vinyl ethers exhibit desirable characteristics such as: fast cure,toughness and l
Formulation Design with UV-Silicone Release Coatings
Silicone release coated papers and films provide "easy release" surfaces for awide variety of "sticky" applications: label stock, adhesive tapes, personal hygieneproducts, building and construction materials, protective liners, and many others.These silicone release coated liners provide a non-adhering surface upon whichadhesive materials may be co
An Improved Metallized Film Capacitor Using a New Acrylate Coating Process
It is well known that very high reliability capacitors can be made from rolls of zincmetallized polypropylene film. These capacitors are often used for AC and DCapplications from about I OOV to over 1000 volts. For high reliability AC applicationsthese capacitors are often encased and at least partially impregnated with a dielectricfluid. This cons
Solving Rheology Problems In Uv/Eb Curable Systems
The graphic arts industry has an ongoing need to modify and control therheology of energy curable inks. Rheology modifying (RM) resins allow meindustry to enhance rheological properties of lithographic, letterpress and screenink printing processes which currently incorporate silica, talc and other additives.Increasing rheological body significantly
1997 Conference Monitoring (& Control) of UV Spectrum and Intensity in a Printing Process
Many attempts to produce a general 'UV Cure Meter' have been tried and mosthave failed. The next best thing is to move back one step in the process andensure that :-a) there is sufficient irradiance (UV) reaching the chemistry,b) the chemistry is correctly formulated and stable.All UV lamp systems output change with time. This is as far as the proc
New Cationic Photoinotiators For Inks And Varnishes
Sulfonium, iodonium or ferrocenium hexafluoro phosphates or antimonatesalts are well known to be highly efficient as photoinitiators forpolymerization of organic or silicone epoxides . The presence of heavymetal like antimony still present after curing is a major drawback for manyapplications involving food contact coatings . The replacement byphos
Progress With New Low-Energy Eb Curing Equipment
Recently, as a consequence of environmental legislation, there has been an increasingtrend towards the use of coating systems based on a small amount ofsolvents. This requirement is fulfilled to a particularly high degree by radiation curablepaints, lacquers, varnishes and coatings which can be formulated without theuse of conventional solvents. Wi