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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Formulating Cationic Systems Using Vinyl Ethers
The use of vinyl ethers as reactive diluents for cationically cured UV formulations was one of the key factors in the original development of these systems. The fact that they homopolymerise cationically was of unique advantage in their use as reactive diluents for epoxy oligomers. Their remarkable diluency, compatibility and reactiv
Graphic & Industrial High-Tech Screenprinting With Uv Curing
Radiation curing is a part of the screenpnnting technology since more than 50 years inthat sense that jet air or other infrared systems belong in a certain sense, if we refer tothe Maxwell scale, to "radiation" curing.At the begining of the sixties some research has been done in "electron beam" (EB) andlater, in the seventies, in radio-frequencies.
UV Curable Powder Coatings
Powder coatings continue to show double digit growth in all regions of the worldlargely outpacing the growth rate of conventional solvent based coatings. Thishigh growth rate is at the expense of conventional solvent based systems wherepowder coatings are favoured over liquid systems due to environmental reasons(no VOC), economical reasons (up to 9
UV Curing of Dendritic Polyfunctional Methacrylated Polyesters
Radiation curing technology is increasing due to its unique advantages over conventionalthermal cured methods. The increasing utility of curable materials, such aslacquers, inks and coatings provides an incentive for the development of new varietiesof photopolymers (1-3).Materials development has played and will continue to play an important role i
Closed-Loop Control of UV-Radiation under Conditions of Production
In the past, the question frequently posed: ,,How can the UV-unit be checked andwhen do the UV-lamps and reflectors have to be replaced'?"Another question was: ,, Which intensity of UV-radiation is achieved at that verymoment and how can a constant product quality be guaranteed?"The indication of the wattage of the UV-unit in Watt per cm says nothi
Electron Beam Coatings on Composite Panels for the Construction Industry
Looking W years ahead, the need of having a top quality product will be even more necessary than today.Choosing the Electron Beam technology secures STENI's market and makes it in the top range of producers Environmental requirements will make traditional products even more expensive in the future
The Status of UV/EB Curable Products In North America – 1997
This author has previously reported survey results showing that the use of UV/EBcurable materials has grown at a compound rate of about 1 0% per annum over thelast decade. Together, with about 1 00 members of RadTech International NorthAmerica, we have undertaken another survey to update and assess the growth andthe current activities of the indust
Depth Profiling of Radiation Curable Coatings Investigated by Confocal Raman Spectroscopy
Increasing amounts of radiation curable coating raw materials are used for thesurface refinement of furniture, wooden floor coverings, paper etc. Instead ofdissolved resins BASF offers polymerizable monomers, oligomers and photoinitiatorsunder the trade names Laromer and lucirin, which will be cured after asimple deposition process by UV light or e