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Cationic UV Ink Migration and Safety Assessment
Manufacturers want improved, lowercostprocesses for decorating food packaging.UV curing has been demonstratedto provide improved performance andlower costs for many food container ap-plications. (1.2) UV flexo has been widelydiscussed as a means of providing improvedprint quality and lower productioncosts for flexible packaging.Cationic UV inks and
Excimer Uv-Lamps for Matting and Cold Curing
Legal regulations demand a new orientation in the print and lacquer industry.While in the past only physical curing systems with organic solvents were used,there is a great interest nowadays in alternatives, like waterbased systems or radiationcurable (UV/EB) inks and varnishes.Beside many advantages the different alternative methods offer differen
Radiation Curable Formulations from Vegetable Proteins
In the field of vegetable materials and of the use of radiation process: Cobalt 60, UVor EB, a lot of patents or scientific papers have been published on the possibilities toaccess at new materials with better properties than the ones of the raw naturalproducts. Some examples will be explained.Most of the published studies were mainly dealing with
Sheet Laminating With Uv Curing Adhesives For The Print Finishing
The print finishing has made over the recent years a considerable structural andtechnical change, this in particular under the aspects of environment and waste recycling.The enormous numbers of new regulations and issued laws, which containoften even contradictory information (depending of states and business view), hasgiven to the graphic industry
Water Thinnable Uv Curable Coatings
Due to environmental and regulatory concerns, the use of volatileorganic compounds (VOCs) in coatings is going to become more and morerestricted.One alternative offered to the final end user is either water basedformulations in which VOCs are replaced by water, or 100 % solids systems.Most of the time, waterborne formulations are based on emulsiont
structural Influence Of Fumarate Esters In Free Radical Induced Alternating Copolymerization
Free radical induced alternating copolymerisation by a donor(D)-acceptor(A) complex is aclassical field of photo chemistry, which has recently gained a lot of interest (2,3,4).The formation of an AD* can take place from an excited state donor or acceptor, wherebythe D* or A* associates with a ground state A or D. The other route is a direct excitat
Recent Developments In The Quantitative Determination Of Volatiles And Odor In Energy Curable Coatings
Recent advancements in Analytical instrumentation have increased ourunderstanding of the factors which determine the quantity and chemicalcomposition of volatile components which may be released from materials coatedwith Energy Curable Materials. In addition, the correlation of the chemicalcomposition with perceived odor permits us to address compl
A Liquid Thioxanthone
Thioxanthones have been used as photoinitiators (P1) for curing pigmented coatingssince the mid 1970's (1). Of the various commercialized thioxanthone photoinitiators, ITXhas emerged as the most widely used based on its performance and cost. ITX is anoff-white to yellow solid with a broad melting point (49-72°C) due to the existence of both2- and 4