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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Radiation Cured Systems As A Means For Photoelastic Investigations
modelling purposes. It is not only the relative ease of the manufacturing process but alsothe high flexibility concerning a desired formulation, i.e. creating models providing certaincharacteristics. Typical thermoset cast polymers like phenol-formaldehyde and epoxy resinsare nowadays relieved by systems subject to radical or cationic polymerizatio
Uv Curable Nonsilicone Release Coatings
Radiation curable release coatings contain no solvent and have the unique ability to becured at, or slightly above, room temperature. Polymerization is initiated by ultravioletlight (UV) or electron beam (EB) exposure. Many successful release coating formulationshave been prepared using silicone based materials. Free radical systems based on"thiol-
Radiation Curable Powder Coating System
Powder coatings have obtained a wide acceptance in the industrial coating market.Whereas the total industrial coating market is only growing 1-2% a year, the volume ofpowder coating is expected to grow 5-8% annually the next five years [1]. This will resultin an increase of the share for powder in the total industrial coating market from 11 % in199
Characterization of Particle Contaminants in UV/EB Materials
Early in the history of OSM Desotech Inc., we realized, through customer feedback, thatliquid-borne particulate contamination is detrimental to many ultraviolet (UV) and electronbeam (EB) curable products. We became aware that contaminants, particulate andotherwise, had to be carefully monitored if they were to be controlled. In terms ofparticulate
Greater Efficiency in UV Curing Through the Use of High Peak Energy Light Sources
In previous papers we have examined the rate of cure and depth of cure of primarily free radical initiated chemistries as a function of lamp power and wavelength selection without a concerted effort to control the peak irradiance of the light source or the type and level of the Phi employed. In the past, all of the formulations that we evaluat
Permeation of Low-Molecular Weight Compounds Into EBC-Coatings
Permeability of low molecular weight compounds in polymeric matrices greatlyvaries with the molecular structure of the polymer matrix. Membranes used in amedical environment, i.e. oxygenators (heart-lung machines) and foils in thepackaging industry (PVC and PVDC) show impressive differences in the permeabilityof gases and vapours. Structural parame
Controlled Release Modification Of Photocurable Epoxysilicones
Radiation curable silicones have evolved to commercial success in wide use forrelease coatings. The chemical literature is rich with descriptions of radiation curablesilicone compositions whose crosslinking chemistry is based on acrylate (1-5) andmercapto-olefin (6-10) free radical systems, as well as cationic-type systems (11-15).Silicone release
UV-Curing With a New Monochromatic UV-Lamp Generation
In this lecture I will introduce to you a selective UV-Iight-source, which in its capacityopens up completely new possibilities and perspectives for UV-curing.As a starting point, I will give you a short summary about Heraeus Noblelight GmbHand its possibilities for this innovative technology.