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Degree of Cure Measured by Means of Extraction Techniques and FFIR Spectroscopy as a Function of Dose and Light Intensity
The reactive monomer diluents used in UV-curable formulations play a majorrole. An ideal diluent should not only be an efficient viscosity reducer, it shouldalso have a low volatility, a high curing rate, a high degree of conversion and alow toxicity. Since a complete polymerization is never achieved, there willalways remain a residual amount of un
Building a Process for Low Gloss UV Curable Coatings
The appearance of malt finish or low gloss is created when light is reflected from a surface in aduff use manner. Such a finish can add a subtle, elegant appearance to a surface, provide betterhiding power for imperfections or the effects of wear, than a high gloss coating. A number of UVcuring applications require low gloss, or perhaps more accura
Dosimeter Reader For Very Thin Dosimeter Foils
When using low-energy electron beam equipments a three-dimensional determinationof dose distribution is a must for reproducible production procedures.The short range of such electrons leads to a considerable alteration in the absorbed dosewith the penetration depth. One useful dosimeter is polyvinyl butyral (PVB) withpararosaniline cyanide which co
Cost Calculation For Wood Surface Coatings By Ebc
Electron-beam curing (non-thermal curing) is used industrially today for the surfacetechnology in the following fields:- Curing of pigmented lacquers on doors [1], [2]- All-around curing of lacquers on mouldings [3], [4]- Controlled through-curing of coatings on finished parquet [5]- High scuff-resistant floor-coverings [6]- Production of high-glos
UV-Curing Coatings For Textiles: Coatings With A Future
The properties and characteristics of a textile substrate can be changed by the applicationof a polymeric layer or coating [1,2]. Coatings are applied to give textiles a more aestheticoutlook or to obtain a product with a better perfomance, e.g. watertightness or a higherwear resistance.Coatings used in the textile industry consist usually of plast
The UV Curing PROCESS WINDOW; Practical Relationships Between UV Lamps and Material Properties
The UV curing process, as with any production process, has limits of the rangein which it will work properly. Within these limits, the process will achievedesired results. This range can be called the PROCESS WINDOW.The parameters which define the window are entirely dependent on the processinvolved. Cure, for example, is the object of the UV curin
Uv-Curable PSA’s For Industrial Applications
Since the introduction of thermoplastic rubbers in the '70s, pressure sensitivehotmelts based on these raw materials have managed to gain an increasing marketshare. With increased environmental pressures applied to converters, replacementof solvent born systems is becoming increasingly important. Consequently a lot ofconverters have started using h
Abrasion Resistance Comparison of Formulations and Test Methods
The use of floor covering materials in houses, buildings ... is so common now, thatthere is a wide variety of these products on the market. There is not only a broadchoice in the type of substrate but also in the type of finishing. To choose one ofthese products, one must know for how long it will resist the service conditions,without losing its de