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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
New Silicone Materials For Controllable Slip And Antiblocking Performance In Uv Curable Overprint Varnishes
The usage of ultra violet (UV) cured coatings has undergone considerable growth over the last 15-20years. Much of this growth has been at the expense of more traditional solvent borne systems, driven by the trend to reduce solvent emissions and to reduce energy costs associated with cure and application for environmental product improvement. Associ
Progress In Radiation Curable Chemicals
The first commercial applications for radiation curing were developed in the late 60'sand early 70's. Commercially available oligomers consisted of products which hadbeen developed for thermal (peroxide) free radical cure, primarily unsaturatedpolyesters and vinyl esters (including epoxy acrylates). In the case of the EB linepioneered by Ford, acry
Hybrid systems Obtained by EB Curing
We have investigated the simultaneous polymerization of mixtures of cationically (epoxides orvinylethers) and radically (acrylates) curing components with EB to assess the feasibility of these so called hybrid systems for use in radiation curable coatings which could yield new properties, not accessible by the pure components alone. Also, one syste
Innovations In Water Based Radcure Technology
The marriage between radiation curing technology and water based resin technologyremains one of the most elegant approaches to yield zero VOC and safe coating systems.It is now 16 years since the first articles on this subject were written, and the advantagesof water based radiation curable systems have been extensively discussed (1, 2, 3, 4).The i
Application Fields and Growth of Radiation Curing in Europe
What has happened in the European radiation curing market in the last four years?Since no review paper was prepared for the '93 conference we must go back to excellentreviews on European activities presented in '91(Edinburgh/1) and '92(Boston/2) for reference.The future information service of your association volunteered to answer this questionby t
Evolution In The Medical Applications Of Stereolithography
Today, Rapid Prototyping techniques provide designers with a tangible "hard copy" of a CADdrawing. Although most CAD systems can produce very realistic shaded images of thedesign, a model always gives much more infonnation (e.g. design errors) and is much easierto understand.Stereolithography is the most used Rapid Prototyping technology. About 85
UV-Curing Kinetics of White Pigmented Coatings
Acylphosphineoxides are well known and commercially accepted for their uniquecuring performance in white pigmented coatings. About ten years ago, 2,4,6-(trimethylbenzoyl)diphenylphosphineoxide (TPO)' was introduced as a first representativeof the mono-acylphosphineoxides. In the late 80's research work was focusedon the improvement of the photoinit
The Use of Numerical Simulations in the Development of Inerting Systems For Electron Beam Processing on High Speed Converting Lines
Several important advances in EB system technology have been driven by the curingrequirements of EB silicone release coatings. The residual oxygen must be reduced to alevel that does not inhibit the curing and/or affect the functional performancecharacteristics. For silicone release coatings this needs to be less than 50 ppm (parts permillion), whe