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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
New Developments in the Formulation of Cationic UV Curing Systems
Cationic UV curing systems used in currentindustrial applications contain iylsulfonium salts ascationic photoinitiator, with the exception of the epoxysiliconerelease coating systems which use diaryliodoniumsalts. Upon irradiation by UV light, these onium saltsgenerate a stable, long-lived, strong Bronsted acid whichcan induce a variety of cationic
Reducing Variability in the Tensile Testing of UV-Cured Polymers
Tensile testing of polymers usually involves measurement of three quantities: tensile strength,elongation (i.e. strain at break), and modulus. Each of these quantities is subject to measurementerror. The total error for any property is made up of component errors from several sources. Asensible approach to error reduction is to analyze the entire m
The Rhodotrons : A New Range Of High Energy / High Power Industrial Accelerators For EB Processing
The Rhodotron is a new concept of CW electron accelerators, based on the principle of"recirculating" a beam through successive diameters of a single coaxial cavityresonating in metric waves. This design makes it possible to achieve CW accelerationof electron beams to high energies.The original design principle of the Rhodotron was first proposed in
Production Of Contact Lenses With UV Light Curing
A contact lens is a small, shell-shaped device of plastic, or similar material,' inthe form of a lens that is in contact with the cornea and which serves as a newanterior surface of the eye. The capillary attraction of the liquid tear layerbetween the contact lens and the cornea and the partial coverage of the lens bythe eyelids prevents contact le
Rapi-Cure® Vinyl Ethers in Acrylate Oligomer-Based Free Radical UV Wood Coatings
ISP manufacture a wide range of vinyl ethers under the Rapi-Cure trade name. In the lastten years ISP has been instrumental in developing the use of these products as reactivediluents for radiation cured systems.Initial success was obtained using vinyl ethers to dilute high viscosity epoxide' oligomerswhich were cationically cured with the newly em
UV/EB Curable PSA's
Pressure sensitive adhesives (PSA's) have become a ubiquitouselement in our society. Solvent-borne PSA formulationstraditionally based upon modified rubber chemistry are now beingchallenged by low VOC, fast curing systems such as UV and EBcured PSA's. This paper describes both water-based and 100%solids UV curable PSA's and their properties. A new
An Approach For Comparing The Efficiency Of Photoinitiators
The finding that thioxanthones are photóreduced by aromatic and aliphatic amines [1] whichleads the way to using such mixtures as Type II initiator systems for radical mediatedpolymerisation processes [2]. Such polymerisation reactions are initiated by a- aminoalkylradicals generated in the photochemical reaction. The amine also plays another vital
Affecting the Misting of UV Curable Inks
A wide variety of parameters have to be considered when formulating any printing ink. From pigmentdispersion through to press performance and cure response, the emphasis is always on making the ink "print". However there are certain performance factors which whilst not reflecting the actual printability of ink, are considered part of it's press per