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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Environmental Aspects And Radiation Curing in The Netherlands
There has been a growing awareness in The Netherlands since 1986 that when nitrogenoxides occur in the air with hydrocarbons (volatile organic compounds) in good weatherconditions - in other words sun and little or no wind - ozone or smog is created. Ozone isharmful to the health of human beings, it irritates the eyes, nose and throat and createshe
Radcure In Russia
The development of radiation curing in Russia commenced in 60's-70's and wassufficiently successful, especially from the scientific point of view. In 80's, whenthe Russian economics has been almost collapsed, a gap between scientificefforts and industrial needs has been growing. The lack of new acrylicmonomers became the decisive factor of radcure
Radiation Curing For The Automotive Market
UV curing is growing at a remarkable rate in manymanufacturing areas, automotive is no exception. The UV curingprocess is making its way into many areas of assembly anddecorating for automotive trim and body applications.WHY ?What is driving the interest in tJV curables in the world wideautomotive market. One of, the main concerns is volatile organ
Equipment Health And Safety – As Addressed By An Equipment Manufacturer
The Ultra Violet curing industry has witnessed dramatic growth over the past 10years due to advances in equipment technology, ink / coating / adhesivetechnology and the introduction of new industrial processes. prime reasonis the requirement world-wide to reduce VOC's from the environment and improveboth, living and working conditions of everyone.H
How To Tackle Adherence Problems With Uv Formulations?
One of the limitations of UV curing systems is the difficulty to get adherence on non poroussubstrates. The goal of this study, carried out by Cray Valley, is to understand mechanisms of adherence of UV coatings and to propose guidelines for formulations of UV varnishes on plastic substrates. It has been shown (1,2) that a good wetting is necessary
Progress In Radiation Curing Equipment
In radiation curing technology, sources of UV photons and electrons are neededwhich in the curing plane reach power densities between 0.1 and 40 , allowtuning of the penetration depth and are able to generate a high concentration ofchain initiating species such as radicals, protons or cations.Using low-energy electron accelerators or medium pressur
Applications and Cycles for Polyester and Acrylic Products
When speaking of paint products and environmental protection we must remember, abovà allelse, the real merits of paints in protection of the environment.This statement may come as a suprise!In fact, not much notice is taken of paints: as with questions of health, they become evidentwhen they are absent or when they are in bad conditions.With a thic
Water Transport Properties of Radiation-cured Coatings and their Effect on Adhesion
Organic polymers are, unlike ceramics or metals, permeable to a greater orlesser extent to water vapour. Thus, it is important to bear in mind how the watertransport properties will affect their performance in the environment in whichthey will operate.Use of organic polymers to protect products from degradation is widespread inindustry. In the food