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New Excimer UV Sources for UV Curing
There are many UV sources with different properties commercially available on themarket: hydrogen, deuterium or spectral lamps of very weakintensity at the oneside up to high intensity sources like lasers atthe otherside; Sincethe intensity ofthe low intensity lamps is most often far too weak for many applications, industrialarrangements would beco
Adhesion Of Radiation Curable Monomers To Solid Polymer Surfaces
The main components of a UV-curable coating are mono- and polyfunctionalacrylic monomers, prepolymerized resins, pigments, extenders,inhibitors,stabilizers, and photoinitiators. Radicals can essentially be formed by twomechanisms: photofragmentation or excitation of a photosensitizer followed byhydrogen abstraction. Both mechanismshav been thorough
Non-Acrylate Reactive Diluents For Uv/Eb Formulations
UV/EB curing is widely known as an "environmentally friendly" technology since theyare 100% solids formulations that cure without the emission of volatile organiccompounds (VOCs). The attraction from an environmental point of view has been furtherenhanced as a result of a study that shows that UV/EB coated paper may be easily recycled. As a method
15 Years Of Eb-Technology With WKP
WKP, Wurttembergische rKunststoffplatten-WerkeGmbH & Co. KG, hadbeen founded in 1969. WKP has its roots in the woodworking industryand is mainly producing surface materials for this branch.The term "Kunststoffplattenwerke" is history and it is misleading,as we 'are'not producing'panels but coatings, such as mela—minefilms and.finishfoils which
Web Coating And Laminating Line For Radiation Curing
Polytype is a leading engineering and manufacturing company and manufacturesamong other equipment, machines for the paper, film and foil convertingindustry. Polytype have subsidiary companies in Italy called Polytype-Prandiand in the USA called Polytype America Corporation and have all in all approx.900 employees.The Pilot Plant is used for researc
The use of UltraViolet (UV) light in industrial curingprocesses, has been known to industry for more than 20years. The process has undergone continuous development,meaning that, developments and improvements in bothUV-chemistry and UV-lamp technology, has lead to, that theUV-process today is a fast growing technology. It not onlyexpands in the area
Comparison Of Reactive Diluents In Cationic Uv-Curable Formulations
The growing use of cationic UV-cured coatings results from the unique properties that are inherentin ring-opening polymerization, particularly improvements in adhesion and other properties over freeradicalUV-cured films. However, cationic chemistry and formulating skill are still less wellunderstood than for the older free-radical technology.Cation
Melamine Acrylates As Oligomers For Dual Cure Systems
Resins obtained by a chemical reaction between melamine and formaldehyde due toaddition and/or condensation mechanisms, acid- or basic-catalyzed have found a widespreadapplication as components in various formulations of coatings, impregnatingmedia and adhesives. The appropriate chemical industry offers a variety of differentproducts which like in