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Uv Flexo In America
As the quality achievable with flexography improves, it challt:ages other printingmethods, such as litho/offset, rotary letterpress, gravure and even screen. Asidefrom quality, flexo is a simpler and less expensive printing process. For thesereasons, flexo printing is growing at a faster rate than the other printing processes.The forecast is that b
Dose Distributions For Containers Electron Sterilized At Energies From 150 - 250 Kev
The development of a flexible electron processor has been necessary forthe validation of its use in the sterilization of a variety of containergeometries (1). A.250 kV selfshielded accelerator used for this purpose,which provides a 30 cm wide beam at currents to 20 ma: is shown in Figure1. The ability to separate the electron source from the lower,
Radiation Curing Of Printing Inks
Web offset printing using electron beam (EB) drying is believed to provide an efficientalternative to heat-set web offset using thermal drying. Some of the potential advantages ofthat non conventional printing/drying technology are- the use of solventless, 100 % reactive printing inks,- the dramatic reduction of the emission of volatile organic com
Applications of Selfshielded Electron Processors in Industry
The development of self-shielded electron processors in the seventies,suitable for unrestricted use in the industrial environment, has led to avariety of new commercial processes/applications utilizing these efficientsources of ionizing radiation. The growth of the industry in the past twodecades has followed a pattern of broadly diversified applic
Deinking Of Used Paper By Flotation Or Washing: Conventional And Radiation Cured Printing Inks
In view of ever-rising waste amounts in all highlyindustrialized countries, the need for an intensifiedrecycling of used paper has been reinforced by acutewaste disposal problems. Actually, the paper industriesof most developed countries can look back onmany decades experience of recycling. Within thecountries of the European Community, recycledfib
Radiation Curing Silicone Acryiate Systems
Today, radiation curing (RC) is a widely used technique for a number of industrial processes. Examples are woodfinishing, printing inks, metal coating and embedding of electronic materials. Additionally, there is a well established and still rapidly growing field for râdition curable systems in the manufacturing of silicone release coatings. This i
Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization
There has been a growing interest in recent years in light-induced cationicpolymerization, due to the development of very efficient photoinitiators and highly,reactive new monomers. A distinct feature of cationic polymerization is that a largevariety of monomers which are inactive towards radicals, like epoxides, cyclic ethers,vinyl ethers or silox
Adhesion Optimisation Through Oligomer/Monomer Selection - II-
IntroductionTwo years ago, we set up a study [1] in an attempt to correlate polymerizationshrinkage with adhesion on substrates. The work was carried out onABS and steel. Establishing a correlation between either shrinkage or. surface .tension and adhesion seemed to be a very difficult thing, based on the limited datawe had at the time. Let us remi