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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Electron Beam Technology: Responding To Industry Needs
IntroductionElectron beam equipment manufacturers have endured a business slowdownsimilar to that experienced by capital equipment manufacturers in general as aresult of the world wide economic recession. The unhealthy economic climatecaused potential users to defer their equipment purchases and suppressed theanticipated increase in new installatio
Ultraviolet Light Curable Epoxysilicone-Polyether Block Copolymers
INTRODUCTIONUltraviolet (UV) light curable epoxy-functional dimethylsilicone releasecoating systems consisting of epoxysilicone polymers plus compatible 'oniumtype cationic photocatalysts are well known commercial products whoseproperties and performance have been described in numerous patents,publications, and forums (1-5).The extension of this UV
1993 Conference Uv Curing Of Polymer Thick Films (Conductive Screen Inks)
IntroductionThis paper will describe the laborious and expensiveprocess and equipment currently used and how a versatile andcompact high irradiance UV light source can result in afinished circuit in a simple screen printing and curing onestep method without heat distortion.This paper will also describe the typical cured filmproperties of a i.JV ink
Low Odor U.V. Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
IntroductionPressure sensitive adhesives find numerous everyday applications;masking tape, packaging tape, :desk tape, note pads, and duct tape makeup just a small list of these applications. "Tack," "Peel," and"Creep" properties determine pressure sensitive adhesiveapplications. Definitions and clarifying test results presentedprovide formulators
The Toxic Substances Control Act: Requirements For Importers
Importers of chemicals into the United States often find themselves in a precariousposition: under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), they are considered the equivalent ofchemical manufacturers and thus are subject to the most burdensome responsibilities under TSCAThe burden is compounded by the fact that TSCA is such a complex and demanding
Radiation Induced Free Radical Polymerization
IntroductionRadiation processing is an elegant for increasing restrictions for useof solvent and major correrns for energy savings because it involves solventfreematerials in a cold process. But the physical form (high viscosity of thesolventfree products) leads to differences in handling and being reactivematerials, it will not always be pessible
The Importance Of E-Beam Crosslinking In The Production Of Heat Shrinkable Products
INTRODUCTION3.1. BACKGROUNDRadiation processing is the technology of creating desirableand useful changes (reactions) in the structure andproperties of materials by treatment with ionizing radiation.It involves the application of man-made or natural sources ofhigh energy radiation in (large) industrial processes.This paper will concentrate on the i
Penetration Depth of the Radiation Dose and Dose Yield for Low Energy Electron Beam Accelerators
IntroductionThe radiochemical induced reaction in an irradiated product is determined by theabsorbed radiation dose. The penetration depth of dose has to be high enough forahomogeneous dose distribution in the product The ability to deliver dose isdetermined through the efficiency or the yield factor of a processor. Penetrationdepths can be derived