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Photocuring of Dental Polymeric Materials Advantages and Disadvantages
IntroductionCaries dentinum is one of the most wide-spread deseases in mankind. It is amicrobiotic/chemical process affecting the hard tissues of the tooth (enamel, dentin, andcementum). Etiologically it is multicausal, some dominating factors are microorganisms(streptococci sanguis and mutans) and different carbohydrates (succrose and glucose)The
Safety and Environmental Aspects In Operating Uv-Equipment
INTRODUCTIONBesides the original purpose of curing, another important point of view isa highsafety standard for personell, staff, environment and the product itself when operatingUV-curing systems.The health of the personell must not be endangered by UV-radiation, Ozone, electricalor mechanical attributes or from high temperature surfaces of the eq
Study Of A Two Year Florida Exposure Of Various Acrylated Materials And Comparison With Accelerated Test Results
INTRODUCTIONRadiation curing is used in a large number of applications. Most of these applications havespecific requirements. These requirements can be evaluated by various test methods givinginformation on reactivity, hardness, abrasion-resistance, flexibility, stain resistance and many otherproperties. Most of these methods are easy and not very
Uv Processors For Wood & Metal For Now And The Future
INTRODUCTIONIn the last few years the electrode (AETEK) lamp systemhas had significant developments, including:• System Cooling• Low Temperature of Cure• Efficiency of Power Supply & Lamp• Longevity of Lamp Life• Uniformity of Irradiated Energy• High LampPower:Density• Energy-Dose-Rate Control (EDRC)• Inerted Reaction ChambersFor this discussio
Low Voltage (120 Kv) Electron Beam Systems
INTRODUCTIONIn the late 1950's electron beam accelerators began to be.used at FordMotor Company for the curing of coatings. These systems were generally, ofvoltages in the range from 300 kV (kilovolts) to 800 kV and were scanned orswept beams. In the 1960's, such scanning electron beam accelerators wereapplied to crossliaking film, crosslinking wir
High Energy Electron Beam Radiation Process For The Removal Of Benzene And Toluene From Aqueous Solution
INTRODUCTIONAromatic hydrocarbons have been introduced to the environmentfrom a variety of sources. Many of these compounds are resistantto degradation and pose a potential health threat to humanpopulations. Concern about the potential hazards of thesecompoundshas resulted in government policies that require theremediation of contaminated soil, sed
Studies Of Alkali Developable Uv-Cure Solder Mask For Printed Circuit Board
INTRODUCTIONAqueous alkali developable UV-cure liquid photo-irnagable ink (LPI).is a new type of, solder mask which is applied over copper or tin/lead.circuitry by screen printing. It can be well dissolved in dilute aqueousalkali before photocuring, ,but once exposed to UV, it has excellent alkaliand solder heat resistances. This negative-acting ph
Safety And Environmental Aspects In The Operation Of Low Energy Electron Beam Accelerators
IntroductionThe EB technology for curing coatings and inks is used commercially for more than20 years. Today, products with EB treated coatings hold a still quite small but steadilyexpanding share of the marked.Low energy EB processors with acceleration voltages from 150 to 300 kV are able to'irradiate web coatings up to 500 2 in a single operation