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Lamps And Equipment For Uv-Curing
IntroductionWe all know that the resources of our planet are limited,some of them will be used up within the foreseeable future.Inorderto relieve our environment, all industrial. branches are looking for new methods and processes needingless energy and raw materials as well as not emittingsubstances ecologically harmful.For these reasons the indust
Cost Comparison Of Radiation Vs. Thermal Curing For Particle Board Coatings, Offset Printing Inks And Special Paper Coatings
IntroductionUltraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) curable coatings and printing inks are based on solventless, 100% polymerizable formulations. The emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) is avoided or reduced to auxilary processes as e.g. washing. Thus, printing and coating technologies using radiation curing meet the requi
Radiation Chemistry Of Ring Opening Sulfonium Salts
INTRODUCTIONCationic polymerization of varios functionálized alkenylethers and oxiranes have oftenbeen induced photochemically by a direct photolysis of an óniurn salt. The use of highenergy irradiation (yrays) and EB (Electron Beam ) are technically not well developedfor the use in cationic polymerization, despite the very efficient utilization of
High Energy Electron Beam Irradiation For The Destruction Of Toxic Organic Chemicals
INTRODUCTIONHigh energy electron beam irradiation as a treatment unit process has potential application inmany areas of water, wastewater and industrial waste treatment and in the area oftoxic/hazardous waste disposal and site remediation (Kurucz et al., 1991a, 1991b; Nickelsen eta!., 1992; Cooper et al., 1992a). The research program undertaken at
Analytical Characterization Of Electron Beam Cured Systems
IntroductionElectron irradiation of deaerated monomeric or oligomeric acrylates leads to polymerizationand crosslinking. The concentration of acrylic double bonds decreases and a stablecrosslinked network is formed. But in the dose range between 20 and 50 kGy, which isusually needed to cure the acrylate formulation, a low amount of unreacted monome
Current Status In Waterborne Radcure Dispersions
IntroductionFour years ago, a typical paper introduction started with the statementthat water based radiation curable systems were under discussion for aboutten years, but without real significant market acceptance!! Now, fourteenyears after the start of the discussion, we are able to state that thesesystems have started to gain commercial signific
Aspects Of The Human Toxicology Of Materials Used In Radiation Curing
IntroductionAs long ago as the Sixteenth Century the German physician Paracelsus pointed outthat "all things are poisons, only the dose decides when a substance has no poisonousaction", yet four hundred years later our society uses some ten thousand or morechemical compounds despite the fact that we have little detailed knowledge concerningthe toxi
Ultra Violet Curable Adhesive Applications On The Liquid Crystal Display
IntroductionThe popularity of the liquid crystal display (LCD) has been risingrapidly. This is evidenced by the wide number of applications now usingthe technology. These include:watches and calculatorspersonal computer displayTV screencamera / clockmeasuring instrument readoutsautomotive electronic display panelsThis popularity is due to the benef