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Coil Coating Test Methods and how some Radiation Curable Coatings Fare
IntroductionCoil coating of steel is already promoted as an environmentallyfriendly way to coat . Steel objects that are prepaintedrequire paint with lower solvent contents. Energy input is alsomuch reduced. Despite this the industry is being urged to reducesolvent emissions even further and of course energy is expensiveso a reduction of this cost
Recent Developments In Radiation Curing Chemistry
INTRODUCTIONRadiation curing has now become a well-accepted technology which has found its mainapilications in various industrial sectors where ultrafast cure and high quality product are requiredUltraviolet (UV) or electron beam (EB) curing is indeed unique in that it achieves, selectively in theexposed areas, a quasi-instantaneous transformation
Conventional Drying Printing Inks Versus Radiation Curable Inks
1. IntroductionThe first patent for UV-cured printing ink was granted as longago as1946. About the same time, General Electric was experimenting withionising radiation for curing solvent-free coatings.The following thirty years were marked by occasionally rapiddevelopments, albeit not without setbacks, on the part of the chemicalindustry and the de
Printing And Laminating Of Flexible Films By Using UV Light-Curing
INTRODUCTIONTo achieve optimum material properties, flexible composites consist ofcombinations of very thinfilms. In the field of packaging, the special requirements include properties such as transparency,oxygen and water vapour barriers, printability, mechanical and chemical resistance, thermal stability.These properties can be obtained by an exp
Radiation Curing Of Powder Coating
Introduction:Powder coating is no coating area like printing ink, house paint, marine coating or carpaint. It is a Technology like Radiation Curing. Such Coating Technology can enter allfields where they can offer advantages to existing Coating Technologies. Theadvantage can be for instance:- COST- QUALITY- ENVIRONMENT- HEALTH and SAFETYThe combina
Environmental Hazard Assessment And Risk Management OF Chemicals
IntroductionThe USA issued was the first country to issue, in 1976 ,a generalchemicals law, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Since thebeginning of the eighties legal regulations on industrialchemicals also exist in the member states of the EuropeanCommunity (based on the 6th Amendment to Directive 67/548/EEC) l)and in Japan. Other countries
A Measurement Of The Contribution Of Uv Cured Coatings And Ink Binders Towards Color Change Of UV Cured Inks
IntroductionThroughout the history of mass telecommunications, a need has existed for areliable method of distinguishing and identifying separate component wires in acable. As the industry, progresses to fiber optic ribbon technology, the need stillexists. Historically, the "Munsell" has filled the need adequately in theUnited States. In Europe, ot
A Comparison Of E-Beam, Uv And Thermal Drying For Web Offset Printing
INTRODUCTIONThroughout the decade of the fifties almost every Graphic Arts publication contained at least one article expounding and debating the relative attributes of letter press and offset (lithographic) printing. It was no contest between these two printing techniques: offset printing was dearly better for all but