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Radiation-Induced Decomposition Of Pollutants In Water. A Short Review
INTRODUCTIONThe rather strong development of various industries in the last decades and the growthof the world population led to a overloading of the global environment, esspecially in respectto the water resources. The disposal of large amounts of chemical waste in rivers, seas andoceanes contributed essentially to the destruction of marine life.
On The Mechanism Of The Electron-Initiated Curing
IntroductionThe term "curing" has been defined as "The use of electron beam or ultraviolet radiation asan energy source to induce the rapid conversion of especially formulated 100 % reactiveliquids to solids"Multifunctional acrylates are widely used in radiation curable formulations and as crosslinkingagents in industrial curing applications.In con
New Mechanistic And Practical Aspects In Photoinitiators And Photosensitizers For Conventional And Laser Curing Of Multifunctional Organic Materials
INTRODUCTIONAs known, the fast development during the last decade of high performanceUV-cürable systems hasinduced a growing number of applications in variousindustrial areas [1]. The basic idea in the particular photopolymerization processis to subject a monomer to a UV irradiation in order to generate an active species,which in turn leads to a po
An Introduction to EB Equipment and Trends for the 90's
INTRODUCTIONThe drying of coatings, inks, and adhesives with electron beam(EB) systems has been commercially successful for more than fifteen years.As the markets for EB dryers have diversified, the drying systems haveevolved to accommodate a variety of products and production requirements.Also, the radiation-curable chemistries and the scope of ap
Overcoming the Effects of Oxygen on Cured and Uncured Uv Formulations
Molecular oxygen can be thought of as a diradical. Its singletstate is unstable and quickly converts to the triplet which ismolecular oxygen's electronic ground state. This diradical lacksthe energy to initaiate polymerizations, and, therefore, isconsidered stable. While notbeing able to initiatepolymerizations, it does readily react with already e
Adhesion Optimisation Through Oligomer/Monomer-Selection
Two years ago. we set up a study[1] in an attempt. to correlate polymerizationshrinkage with adhesion on non-porous substrates. The work was carried out onABS and steel. Establishing a correlation between either shrinkage or surface tension and adhesion seemed to be a very difficult thing, based on the limited datawe had at the time. Let us remind
Measurement Of Crosslinking Degree For Electron Beam Irradiated Block Copolymers
IntroductionRecently a lot of block copolymers are applied as useful composite systems or adhesives because of their excellent mechanical properties such as modulus, elongation andbreaking energy. However, since these copolymers are essentially thermoplastic, onceheated up, the mechanical characteristics mentioned above will be easily lost. In orde
Improving The Adhesion Onto Difficult Substrates
One of the major problems facing surface coating is theadhesion between the coating and the substrate surface. Failureat this interface renders the coating useless.It has become common practice to call many types of plasticsdifficult substrates, as getting coatings to adhere well to themproves rather difficult. This problem is not confined toradiat