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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
The Synthesis And Performance Of Some New Oligomeric Photoinitiators
INTRODUCTIONInterest has grown in the design and use of polymeric photoinitjators with one of the main motivating influences beingthe desire to reduce the number of  migratable low molecularweight species present in the cured film [1]. Such species arebelieved to be responsible for the phenomenon of blooming [2] ie. loss of glass of the film u
Oligomer Interactions In Radiation Cured Systems
IntroductionA long held belief in the coatings industry is that the filmproperties of two resins blended together usually fall shortof those of the tow components taken individually. On theother hand, formulators recognize that use of a single resinis rarely if ever, possible to achieve the requiredperformance requirements. Typically, in a solvent
Investigations On The Adhesion Of Eb Cured Coatings On Metal Substrates
INTRODUCTIONMetals have a particular position in the field of electron beam curing ofcoatings. At a first metals would be expected to be very suitable substrates for EB example, many industrial metal productspossess flat surfaces, which is an-obvious advantage considering electronbeam curing. However, in practice the number of applications on steel
Aromatic Acid: Methacrylates In Radiation Cure
IntroductionHighly functional aromatic acid methacrylate 'oligomers contain8 - l0 methacrylate and 8 - l0 carboxylic acid groups. Themethacrylate's high functionality and reactivity suits radiationcure. Carboxylic acid groups provide unique solvent and acidresistance, while promoting caustic solubility. The aromaticnature of the oligomer improves a
Report About Experiences Gained By The World-Wide Use Of Ist-Uv Techniques
Europe, Ladies and Gentlemen, is - from the point of view ofthe radiation curing procedure - the hub of the universe andwe see this in the use of binding agents, stabiliers andinitaiators. With 25%, England has the highest consumption of radiation curing materials, followed byGermany with 20%France with 16%Italy with 12% According to IAL
Latest Investigations Into Applications Of Low-Voltage Electron-Beam Accelerators In The Board And Pressure Senstive Adhesive-Tape Industry
Due to further development in the past years the system today has attained a high—level of industrial reliability. It is distinguished especially by low set-up times following initialinstallation and servicing. Its uncomplicated constructioncombined with a self-monitoring micro—processor control enable operator to quickly and economically replace t
Matched Uv Radiometers Eliminate Reading Disagreements
IntroductionIntegrating UV radiometers are particularly widely used in process control. Figure 1Ashows a typical high power integrating UY radiometer passing through a conveyerizedUV cunng system. Figure lB shows the energy display on the radiometer.Measurement disagreement between individual instruments on the same process haslimited use of the ra
A Computer Model And Experimental Study Of Laser Photopolymerisation: Application To Stereolithography
IntroductionStereolithography is an established technique in the new and expanding field ofrapid prototyping. In this process an ultraviolet laser, driven by a 3D-CAD system, isused to form a solid object by photopolymerizing an acrylate resin. The object isconstructed as a series of layers placed one upon another. The laser, which is focused atthe