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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
New multifunctional acrylate with extremely low skin irritation
By Joerg J. Wildi, Hans Rahn & Co - RadTech Europe Conference 1989Multifunctional acrylates have become important building blocks in radiation curable formulations. In- and tetra-acrylates of the first generation, such as TMPTA and PETA, in spite of being excellent products, have been increasingly replaced due to their high skin
Low voltage Electron Beam accelerators with high output
By Peter Holl, Eberhard Föll, Polymer-Physik Tübingen- RadTech Europe Conference 1989More severe environmental protection requirements having given way to stronger governmental restrictions for limiting the emission of noxious substances into the atmosphere (Technical Instructions! TI Air), determine the permissible limits for mass f
Effects of pigments on radiation curable coatings for metal
By C Lowe, Crown Industrial Coatings - RadTech Europe Conference 1989The difficulties encountered when attempting to obtain adhesion of radiation curable coatings to metal are well known. The effects of pigments on the extent and rate of cure in EB curable systems are less well documented, although it is qualitatively understood that
A comparison of thickeners in UV formulations
By Alice H. Pincus, Judith A. Goonyep, Pincus associates -RadTech Europe Conference 1989 Viscosity and rheology of formulations are of utmost importance for optimum application. In many UV formulations, the addition of a thickener is required. Described in this report is a comparison of the effectiveness of a variety of thickeners in raising the v
Photogeneration of Acid, Curing and Imaging Applications
By S. Peter Pappas, Polymers and Coatings Department North Dakota State University - RadTech Europe Conference 1989Curing and imaging processes, based on photogeneration of acid, have not as yet achieved the commercial significance of corresponding free radical processes. Several reasons for this may be advanced including (1) th
Ultraviolet Light Curable Epoxysilicone Paper Release Coatings
By Richard P. Eckberg and Karen D. Riding, General Electric Co. - RadTech Europe Conference 1989Epoxy—functionalized polydimethylsiloxanes have been developed which, when combined with silicone—miscible iodonium photocatalysts, then coated onto release liners, function as ultraviolet—light—curable release agents for pressure—sensitive adh
Radiation curable coatings for textile substrates
By drs. Anton Luiken, TNO Fibre Research Institute - RadTech Europe Conference 1989In this paper the results of an investigation into the possibilities of coating textile substrates, like polyester and polyamide fabrics, with radiation curable formulations are presented.Flexible coatings are needed due to the nature of the texti
Applications and properties of amine synergists in uv and eb curable coatings
By Dr. N. S. Allen & Dr. C.K. Lo - Manchester Polytechnic - RadTech Europe Conference 1989A number of studies have been carried out to investigate the photo-oxidation and which occur in various multifunctional acrylated systems . The complex formulations of radiation curable resins complicate our understanding of the mechanisms i