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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Radiation curable coatings for textile substrates
In this paper the results of an investigation into the possibilities of coating textile substrates, like polyester and polyamide fabrics, with radiation curable formulations are presented Flexible coatings are needed due to the nature of the textile substrate. This may be achieved by using difunctional prepolymers and monomers with a high molecular
Characterization of unreacted residues in UV and EB varnishes
Purity and the possibility of making UV and EB coatings with very low levels of extractables is becoming more and more important. The influence of the photoinitiator systems and the structure of the products on the purity of the UV— coatings was studied. It was shown that very low levels of unreacted materials can be obtained. In EB, the influence
Concurrent cationic/free radical polymerization of vinyl ethers with acrylate functional oligomers
An alternative to the use of. acrylate monomer diluents ic described. The use of vinyl ethers as diluents for acrylato oligomers in the concurrent cationic/free radical polymerization is demonstrated. Both urethane acrylate and epoxyacrylate oligomers are examined. The film properties of concurrent cationic/free radical systems are compared to both
Applications and properties of amine synergists in uv and eb curable coatings
A number of studies have been carried out to investigate the photo-oxidation and photoyellowing phenomena which occur in various multifunctional acrylated systems. The complex formulations of radiation curable resins complicate our understanding of the mechanisms involved. For example, high concentrations of photoinitiators in UV curable resins wil
UV curable pigmented systems: available photoinitiators and current trends
Pigmented coatings and filled or reinforced plastic systems are very widely used for functional and decorative purposes. The possibility to enter these fields with 1W curing technology offers many practical advantages. The proper choise of the photoinitiators combination which meets theright wavelength emissions is the key point to be fuilfilled. S
An overview of the role of UV-curing in imaging
The aim of this paper is to provide some insight into the role of radiation curing in imaging. This requires an understanding of the basic concepts of imaging which are selective exposure, positive and negative systems, image and non—image areas, and developitent. These concepts will be explored together with a brief examination of the chemistry of
Urethane acrylates: expansion of radiation curable epoxy acrylate coatings
Urethane and epoxy acrylate resins have been the backbone of radiation and electron beam cure coatings for over twenty years. Aromatic urethane acrylates have beendeveloped that bridge the epoxy acrylate properties. Liquid color, thermal storage stability, solvent resistance, cure rate and tensile strength, elongation, and elastic modulus propertie
Study on the EB cured resin stamper for embossed hologram
Electoron beam curing technique has been studied in manufacturing resin stampers for embossed holograms. Several EB curable resins were tested and evaluated from measuring diffraction efficiencies of holograms embossed with these resin stampers. Some of the present resin stampers showed excellent performance comparable to conventional metal stamper