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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Migration and testing
This presentation includes the latest information on analytical methods and modelling for migration in food packaging.
Brand owner perspective on packaging safety risks
A view of a major brand owner on the position of Radcure in printing and packaging and the future outlook in the packaging industry in respect to safety and sustainability. Explanation included of the legal regulations in relation to the brand owner specifications.
Radiation curingfor food packaging market overview
Insights into the market of UV/EB and UV LED products for food packaging.
Introduction to UV/EB technology
A comprehensive overview in applies chemistries in printing and packaging materials. Focus on state of the art radiation curing systems. Trends for new developments are highlighted.
Conference package: RTE Conference 2013
This package contains all the presentations that were given at the RTE Conference 2009, held from 15 - 17 October 2013 in Basel, Switzerland.The theme of this conference was UV/EB – Growing through Innovation!
Incorporating Nanosilica Technology of Different Particle Size for New Improvements in UV-Curable Coatings
The blending of mineral fillers with organic polymeric materials typically provides highly improved mechanical and physical properties of the cured polymer. Unfortunately, the use of conventional mineral filling materials (e.g. quartz flour or fumed silica) is usually accompanied by cost- and energy-intensive dispersion technologies. These conventi
Photopolymerization of acrylate monomer miniemulsions: from fundamentals to implementation in photoreactors
Over the last 40 years, miniemulsion polymerization has resulted in the generation of many polymer colloidal structures, currently unattainable by other heterophase processes. One of its salient features is the virtual lack of monomer transport across the aqueous phase. As a result, the nucleation takes place preferentially in monomer droplets, whi
Photocurable polythiol based (meth)acrylate resins stabilization: New powerful stabilizers and stabilization systems
Radical photopolymerized (meth)acrylate systems provide rapid cure on demand which is a particular processing advantage of thermosets. However (meth)acrylates are generally known to shrink when cured by UV light and to provide photocured materials with limited thermo-mechanical properties balance due partly to their relatively low functional group