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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Polyurethane itaconates - A new class of UV-curing Binder
Polyurethane acrylates belong to the high-performance UV coatings class. The polymer backbone is polyether, polyester or polycarbonate. By adding isocyanates and hydroxy acrylates at the polymer backbone the resulting polyurethane acrylate binder can be crosslinked via their acryloyl groups. Polyurethane itaconates are an alternative to polyurethan
Water repellent acrylic photopolymers containing fluorinated monomers
Fluorine polymers commonly referred to as fluoropolymers, can greatly enhance the properties of coatings used in modern industrial; house hold and construction products. The qualities of fluoropolymer resins and oligomeric additives make them an ideal solution for applications requiring a high resistance to solvents, acids and bases, high thermal s
Reactive Silicones as Cross-Linkers in UV Cured Systems
A wide variety of polymers are used as resins in coatings systems. Often defined by their reactive groups, the myriad of resins offer a wide-range of properties. In the coatings industry acrylate, epoxy, urethane and polyester coatings are all quite common and have associated typical properties and expectations. Resin manufacturers have spent count
High Performance Building Blocks for Radiation Curing Resins
This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Effect of Amine Synergists on the Electron Beam Curing Properties of Acrylate Based Coatings
Amine synergists are widely used in UV curable acrylate based coating formulations. They are often used together with Norrish Type II photoinitiators such as benzophenone. The tertiary amine function provides an active hydrogen donor sight for the excited triplet state of the photoinitiator. This produces a very reactive alkyl-amino
Web offset printing for short run packaging with energy curing inks - comparison of UV and EB
This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Sustainability Advantages of Electron Beam Curing Applications
Sustainability is a basic element of business in today’s society. Electron beam curing hasmuch to offer in this effort.  Three specific applications that can realize improved sustainability by utilizing EB curing will be presented. These are only a few of the many possible examples.
Development in Low Voltage EB Curing For High Product Throughput Applications
The ability of energetic electrons to initiate polymerization reactions has intrigued polymer chemists and engineers for a long time. Early development work was done with low dose rate Co60 gamma sources or very high voltage scanned type electron beam accelerators. Both these high-energy curing options were not suited for commercial applications be