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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Time-Resolved EPR Study of Singlet Oxygen in the Gas Phase
Singlet oxygen O2(1g) is an important intermediate in many photochemical and photobiological processes.1 The physical and chemical properties of O2(1g) have been the subject of extensive investigations during the last several decades, cf. e.g., ref. 2 for a review. At least a hundred of publications, numerous review articles, and books are devoted
Optimization of a photocyclic initiating system for visible light using of holographic recording and RT-FTIR experiments
Light induced polymerization reaction “photopolymerization” is employed in quite different technical applications that have become beneficial to humans. These applications include microelectronics, information technologies, optical fibers, dental materials, printing inks, paints, varnishes.Among these applications, photopolymer materials have revea
Storage Stable Thiol-Ene Formulations
The thiol-ene reaction was first suggested by Posner in 1905,1 but academic interest in this potential polymerization reaction remained relatively small, especially as compared to (meth)acrylate polymerization, until the last two decades. Interest in the thiol-ene reaction mechanism increased as distinct advantages over acrylate polymerization were
Influence of Silane Precursor Structure on Surface Properties of UV-curable Hybrid Clear Coatings
In the last few years the so called hybrid materials are the subject of many researches as new materials because of their peculiar properties. These materials provide to combine the high ductility and low temperature processing conditions of polymers with the outstanding properties of ceramics, such as hardness, high modulus and thermal stability a
First automatic plant in the world that paints three-dimensional items with UV-curing powder coatings & UV-curable Powder Coatings to be applied on metal
Powder coating (and the relevant commercial advantages) has been used for more than 50 years with great economic and ecological improvements. Its application technology has continuously developed, reaching a level that nowadays allows obtaining colour changes – therefore, internally cleaning the booth – in only 90 seconds.&
UV and EB Curing of Unique Water Compatible Oligomers onto Cellulosics, Particularly a Novel Banana Ply Paper
The application of a range of novel water compatible oligomers in UV vuring processes in described. Two papers are used as reference substrates: a) Wahtman 41 pure cellulose and b) a unique paper/veneer product from waste banaba trees.
Initiating Radicals: Generation, Detection and Reactivity
Free radical polymerization is largely encountered in the Radiation Curing area (e.g. [1]). the photoinitiation step efficiency is largely gocerned by the quantum yield of the produces initiating radical R' that photoinitiator PI, and the chemical reactivity of these radicals.
Waterborne UV Pud's, eco-friendly systems for clear and pigmented coatings
UV technology has been used in wood coatings since the late seventies. Until now all of theseapplications have been based on 100% UV curable products, formulated mainly for roller coaterapplication, so it was only possible to coat flat panels. After many developments, UV technology now offers a broad range of 100% UV curable resins and reactive dil