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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Radiation Curing Paints: A New Concept for Professional Painters
Enhanced drying of paints for professional painters is needed to reduce maintenance costs in buildings and improve competitiveness. High labour costs, the influence of climatic conditions on painting and on paint performance and future legislation on solvents make innovations necessary to ensure the survival and profitability of professional painte
O-Acyloxime Photobased: Photochemical Properties, Triplet Sensitization and Efficiency of Base Formation
The influence of the molecular structure ana the required conditions for triplet state bond breaking of carefully selected 0-acyloximes usable as photobase generators are deeply investigated. A clear non vertical character in triplet-triplet energy transfer was found in compounds exhibiting a flexible aryl- CN-O- moiety. This effect strongly affect
Influence of Crosslinking Density of Radiation Curable Coatings on Scratch Resistance, Hardness and Flexibility
Radiation curable coatings based on urethane acrylates offer a broad spectrum of performance providing a range from highly elastic to very hard coatings with high toughness and abrasionresistance. Furthermore, aliphatic urethane acrylates show good weather resistance. However, theapplication of urethane acrylates is limited due to relatively high v
High-Output, Efficient, Economical - Innovative UV Unit Technologies
The core value of UV curing is that it enables users to do things that otherwise would be impossible or not as economical or efficient. UV curing is a photo-chemical process. Under the action of UV light, the binder of the ink, varnish, adhesive etc. will harden in a fraction of a second to form a dried and solid film, comparable to a plastic film.
UV Powder Coating on MDF, a Consolidating Technology
The powder coating on MDF was introduced into the market several years ago, at the beginning thermo-setting powders and, in the following years, UV powders were used. The installation of the first industrial plants for UV powder coating on MDF dates back to approximately three years ago; however, only few of them can be considered as fully operatio
A Cost Efficient, Global Solution for Flexographic UV Printing
In a first part, this paper analyses technical and economical advantages and drawbacks of standardflexographic printing practices using thermal drying of ink solvents or UV-curing of solventless inks technologies. In a second part, it proposes a technically efficient and cost effective global solution for flexographic printing implying an advanced
Role of Dimer Radical Cation and Radical in Polymerisation of 2,3-Dihydrofuran
Formation of distonic dimer radical cations, characterised by spatially separated charge and radical site, was observed in our previous studies with irradiated frozen Freon matrices containing vinyl ethers, 2,3-dihydrofuran (2,3-DHF) 2,3] and 2,3-dihydropyran 4J. Investigation of the transformations of dimer radical cations may be of general intere
Photopolymerization of Maleimide-1,3-Diketones
A critical component in photoinitiated polymerization is the photoinitiator (P1), which absorbs light efficiently and generates radicals and/or cations capable of initiating chain growth polymerization. Unfortunately, most currently used Pis are not completely consumed during the polymerization process. The cured formulations thus contain residual