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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
UV - Basics Benefits and Market Trends
Although UV light curing technology has been used for over 30 years in the printing industry, it is still a new technology by comparison with conventional printing. More and more printers are converting to UV printing and the technology is being used in an increasing number of printing applications. Its growth rate is far above that of the printing
The Photoinitaled Polymerisation of 4-Methylene-1,3-dioxolanes
The radiation curing industry is searching for new polymerisable materials as alternatives toacrylates. Whilst acrylates possess many admirable features such as speed of cure, and there is a plethora of commercially available materials which give coatings having a wide range of properties, there is still concern about their toxicity and this is fue
Solvent effects in photografting MMA and CT complexs te cellulose, wool and plypropylrnr Significance of studies in radiation curing.
The role of solvents in photografting a typical methacrylate monomer, methyl methacrylate (MMA)to polypropylene (PPE) and cellulose is reported. A wide range of solvents of varying polaritieshave been studied for grafting to these substrates. The effect of additives which represent typicalcomponents used in radiation curing on the grafting reaction
Uv-Curable Acrylic Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Features, Mechanisms, Milestones
Although UV curing of acrylic pressure sensitive adhesives is known for more than 30 years, theinterest has grown rapidly in the last years 1]. The challenge to develop adhesive coatings free from organic solvents, while retaining the performance properties of solvent-based acrylic, is the major motivation in the concept of UV curing, It has been a
Deinking Of Recoverd Papers, Difficulties Related To Waterbased Inks And U.V. Varnishes
The aim of this paper is to describe some of the difficulties encountered when recycling indeinking plants in order to produce high-quality white deinked pulp (DIP). The deinking processrequires, after reslushing recovered papers, an optimal size of ink particles. This size depends onthe recycling techniques, but mainly on the nature of the ink.Fir
Wood Coating With Respect To Environmental, Toxicological And Economical Aspects
In the last 5 years non satisfactory properties and high costs were the mainarguments against the use of waterborne UV-curable resins in an industrialapplication.To overcome the quality problems with a new generation of waterborne resins it isof course necessary to know the state of the art in the marked to be entered; whattechnical requirements ha
UV-Adhesives For The Assembly In The Electronic, Glass And Medical Device Industry
Ideally, an assembly adhesive should offer and desired strength upon curing. Moreimportantly, it should allow the user to decide when and where (during theproduction cycle) curing will take place. Over the past decade, many manufacturershave begun using ultraviolet-curable, structural-strength aerobic adhesives andcoatings, because they just offer
Cationic Uv Flexo, An Alternative For Wide-Web Film Printing?
Flexography is a mechanical printing process that uses liquid ink and a fairly soft reliefimage printing plate made of rubber, or more commonly, photopolymer. The process isused predominantly for package printing. All flexographically printed packagingsubstrates are web-fed with the exception of corrugated board. Unlike the other majormechanical pr