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Effects of Key Variables on Retortability, Flexibility and Other Physical Properties of Uv-Curable Cationic Epoxide Coatings. II
Coatings for metal packaging must maintain adhesion and not crack while the metal is bent andstretched during can formation. Food can coatings must withstand retort processing which occurs after filling (1) and most beer can coatings must withstand pasteurization. UV-curable cationic coatings containing cycloaliphatic epoxide resins are used in rig
Aqueous, Pigmented, UV - And Eb - Curable Printing-Inks for Textile Applications
Two technologies are promissing for the future of textile pigmentaryprinting. On the one hand, the non—polluting UV  or EB technology whichis already used to cure pigrnentary prints, particulary for reduce energyconsumption, speed up this fabric finishing process and improve fastnessof the prints. And on the other hand, the ink—jet technology
ION Mobility Spectrometry, Controlling-Method For UV-Curing Processes; A Method For The End User
The question of migratiOn-capable components in UV-cured coatings plays a dominantrole. For food packaging, odour and migration problems are of crucial importance. Anumber of analysis techniques were applied and described in literature to determinethe rate of curing in irradiated coatings, printing inks and varnishes. 1]But all these methods have o
Health, Safety & Environment Aspects Of Radiation Curing
The issue of environmental protection has grown in importanáe over the last 30years. Stricter controls and standards have been set, which have added a newdimension to business. Resources have been directed towards pollution control andprevention rather than just clean-up, effecting not only management, but alsoproduct development and promotion. Env
Electron Beam For Controlled, Environmentally Friendly Through-Curing Of Lacquers, Foils And Adhesives
INTRODUCTION2. 1 EBC for the avoidance of solvents and NOxGerman lacquer manufacturers produced 1.55 mio. to (100 %) of lacquers, coatingmaterials and solvents worth DM 7.5 Mrd in 1991(see also table on page 2).The increase in quantity compared with 1990 amounted to 8.3 %.From them 67.100 to (4,3 %) were apportioned to environmentally friendly elec
Formulation Strategies For Uv Curable Adhesives. Photoinitiator And Light, Intensity Considerations
UV curable adhesives have enjoyed relatively rapid commercialgrowth within the last 10 years. Nevertheless, they typicallyconstitute a relatively small share of most marketareas, a situation which signifies that potential advantages are perceivednot to overcome their limitations. Recently, the strategy ofutilizing auxiliary dark cure processes to s
Uv-Curable, But How Good?
IntroductionNowadays the application of radiation—curing is quite common.Nobody is wondering about the development of the formulations.It is said very easily: mix a reactive diluent, a prepolymerand an initiator together for getting a lacquer or anoverprint varnish. Can you combine all sorts of initiatorswith the various binders (reactive diluents
Polymeric Photoinitiators For Fast Uv Curable Coatings, As Checked By Photo-Differential Calorimetry And Microwave Dielectrometry
IntroductionAdvanced polymeric materials for coating technology can be obtained both by improving resinformulations and by better controlling crosslinking and drying processes. The present tendency to produce tailor-made materials for specific applications makes essential theprediction of the relationships between molecular structure and properties