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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
The Growth of UV curable inks and coatings for sheet fed metal packaging
UV curing in Metal decoration• What is flat sheet metal decoration?• Drivers to change• Benefits of UV curing• UV curing in the market• New challenges and future growth
UV cured base rim coatings for beverage cans
Content:1. The Beverage Can2. Manufacture3. Rim Coat (BRC)4. Why Coat the rim?5. Application6. Why UV technology?7. Summary
UV cured coatings for household appliances and decorative panels
This presentation contains more information on AFP-coated stainless steel and the trend for the adoption of AFP stainless. 
Effects of European directives on metal coating application
Content1. Introduction2. EU Directives and the EU paint/ink industry3. Effects of EU Directives on Decorative market4. DecoRad project5. EU Metal Industry and Protective Coatings6. Effects of EU Directives on metal coatings7. Possibilities UV coatings8. Conclusions
OCAS Presentation
An introduction to OCAS, Research centre for the application of steel.
Introduction to Radiation Curing Chemistry and Technology
Content:The European Energy Curing IndustryGlobal and European market overview and segmentationIndustrial and graphic arts highlightsThe basics of UV & EB Curing TechnologyIntroductionWhat is radiation curing?Radiation curing chemistryHow to prepare UV/EB curable formulations?Photo initiatorsUV/EB curing equipmentApplicationsMetal surface tests
Conference package: RTE Conference 2009
This package contains all the presentations that were given at the RTE Conference 2009, held from 14 - 15 October 2009 in Nice, France.The theme of this conference was UV/EB – Sustainable Technology!
Water-borne UV coatings for exterior wood application
Radiation-curable, water-borne polyurethane dispersions combine the best properties from various welldeveloped coating techniques. For example, the radiation curing of water-borne UV coatings takes seconds and is of similar efficiency to that of solvent-borne or 100% UV coatings. It is generally not necessary to use expensive solvents or irritating