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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Pulsed inertization - a cost effective way to reduce oxygen
The negative influence of oxygen on the radical polymerization process was investigated several times in the last years. Overcoming the oxygen inhibition is commonly done by a complete inertization of the radiation chamber with nitrogen or carbon dioxide. The system efficiency of the UV-curing process degrades by the application of large volumes of
Photochemistry and Photophysics of Two-Photon Initiators
The first description of a two-photon induced photopolymerization (TPIP) is about a decade ago. Since then, researchers are trying to improve this novel Additive Manufacturing Technology MT). Higher resolutions, faster writing speeds, improved processing windows, the possibility of using multiple exposure spots and so one, in order to push thi
On-Demand Curing of 2K-PUR with Photo-Latent Catalysts
Energy savings by the introduction of more efficient curing processes that use less energy is a constant theme for the coatings industry, and has high emphasis in automotive applications. Taking the case of two-component polyurethane (2K-PUR) coatings, the use of conventional catalysts, e.g. dibutyltindilaurate (DBTL), to accelerate the cross-linki
New Self-Initiating Oligomers Based on Thiol-ene Chemistry
The radical step-growth addition reaction of thiols across the double bonds of -ene containingcompounds has garnered much attention in the scientific literature. Among the many interesting properties that these “click” reactions are noted for is self-initiation, i.e., the ability to photopolymerize without the need of photoinitiators or thermal cur
New opportunities in adhesives by using photo latent base technology
Different technologies have been developed and are widely used based on reactive adhesive systems, whereby the applications combine an easy handling of the systems with relatively low molecular weight materials providing good processing abilities and good wetting of porous materials. The demanding end properties such as bond strength and performanc
New Generation Electron Equipment: "Lowering Costumers Operating Costs"
The overwhelming acceptance of the low voltage, low cost series of EB equipment has truly kept up with its expectation as the curing method of choice. Since its introduction in 2000 more than 125 of these types of EB systems have been sold with greater than 90 % application in packaging most particularly food packaging. They are used as follows:
New Developments of electron beam accelerators
 The purpose of this presentation is to present an overview of the present state of industrial electron beam development. It is not possible to present all of the technical details which one might wish because of the need to protect the proprietary interests of the firms engaged in the production applications and technology development. Still,
New Developments in Low Energy EB Equipment
Electron beam (EB) technology has been used in industrial applications for more than 30 years. The use of EB is driven by a number of factors including: improved product performance, product consistency, high throughput, energy savings, and environmental advantages. The nature of EB technology can also enable unique applications that are not possib