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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Free Radical and free radical promoted cationic photopolymerization in aerated media: on the design of new and highly efficient photoinitiating systems
In free radical photopolymerization (FRP) or in radical sensitized cationic photopolymerization such as in free radical promoted cationic photopolymerization (FRPCP) [1,2], one usually observes, under air experimental conditions, the presence of an induction period and the decrease of both the polymerization rate and the final conversion. These eff
Formulation and Application Tests into UV Curable Electrodeposition Coatings
The advantages of 100 percent (i.e. water and solvent-free) UV curable coating materials comprise to:• high savings of energy during the drying and hardening process which are favourable from both an economic and ecologic point of view,• low requirements in time and space which fit in with the integration into rapidly clocked production processes,•
Fabrication of High-Performanced Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives with Nanofiller by in-situ Photo-polymerization
Recently, as nano technology has developed, there are many effective filler for polymer composites. One of nano sized-fillers which are attractive filler is carbon nano tube (CNT). The CNT can be seen as a graphite sheet rolled in a nanoscale tubular form (single-wall carbon nanotubes, SWNTs) or with additional graphenes tubes around the core of a
Enhanced Performance and Value of UV-Cured Systems Using Functional Fillers
There are many reasons the formulator may want to use a filler, either to improve physical properties or to reduce cost, but in clear coatings there is not the luxury of choice open to other sectors of the coatings industry. Some areas where improvements may be required are • Physical durability, improved scratch resistance and abrasion resistance•
Electron Beam Technology for Converting Applications
Electron beam (EB) technology has been used in converting applications for more than 30 years.The use of EB is driven by a number of factors including: product performance, productconsistency, high throughput, energy savings, and the absence of solvent. The nature of EBtechnology can also enable unique converting applications that are not possible
Electron Beam Laminating Adhesive Study
The Electron Beam (EB) segment of the energy curing adhesives market continues to expand, supported by several factors. The high curing efficiency inherent with EB provides low odor and extractables in food packaging applications and more complete laminate bonding. In addition, the potential for extremely high line speeds coupled with less expensiv
Electron Beam Curing
Further to the usual technical and commercial problems that must be solved on a daily basis, printers of flexible and other packaging materials are increasingly confronted with several “modern” issues that must be dealt with or solutions found for. Packaging is becoming a commodity; there is wild competition especially from developing countries hav
Dosimeter overview and the use of D, for Calibration
Irradiation with low-energy electrons (75 – 300 keV) results in dose gradients across the thickness of the dosimeters that are typically used for dose measurement at these energies. This leads to different doses being measured with different dosimeter thicknesses irradiated at the same energy, resulting in difficulties in providing traceable dose m