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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
New Derivatives of Covalently linked Benzophenone-Amine based Photoinitiators
In UV-curable systems the photoinitiator (PI) generates the reactive species, free radicals or ions and subsequently initiates the polymerization of diverse multifunvtional monomers, oligomers or prepolymers.
Low Odor/Low Extractable Energy Curable Acrylates for Food Packaging Applications
UV and EB technologies have alreaudy made significant inroads into non food applications due to the numerous advantages which they provide over other technologies (e.g. high gloss, excellent resistance properties, high printing speed, fast drying or cure times, no VOC, low systems cost).
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Various Industrial Wood Surface Coatings
In this study the aim was to iconduct an environmental study from cradle-to-grave (LCA) of four different industrial wood surface coatings, two wax based coatings (one renewable and one fossil based) and two UV lacquers (one water based and one "100% UV" based).
Innovative UV-dose Indicator Formulations for Curing Control of Coatings
Efficiency of UV-curing strongly depends on the radiation-dose absorbed by the fil,: low UV-dose leads to an incomplete converstaion, poor quality material, unpleasant odor and migration hazards, while non-uniform illumination results in inhomogeneous material performance all over the substrate.
Innovative UV Inert System - Benchmark for UV Newspaper Printing
During the 2005 RadTech conference in Barcelona the basics of this new technology had been presented and explained. It will be briefly summarized in the following: a so-called low energy DC plasma initiaties the highly efficient exchange of adsorbed oxygen with yhe inert gas nitrogen on the surface of fast moving substrates.
Innovative UV Inert System - Benchmark for UV Newspaper Printing
During the 2005 RadTech conference in Barcelona the basics of this new technology had been presented and explained. It will be briefly summarized in the following: a so-called low energy DC plasma initiates the hughle efficient exchange of adsorbed oxygen with the inert gas nitrogen on the surface of fast moving substrates.
Conference Ink Bonding Properties of Electron Beam Cured Adhesive Laminates for Flexible Packaging
The advantages of Elecron Beam (EB) laminating adhesives haven been previously descibed. The most significant adveantage is that full bond strength is archieves immediately upon curing. This allows immediate slitting and shipping of the laminated product.
Influence of Photoinitiator's Architecture on the Shrinkage of Acrylic PSA
This paper presents a new class of saturated and unsaturated photoinitiators, with different structures, containing benzophenone groups, and describes their influence on the shrinkage of solvent-based acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) coated on PVC film, after UV crosslinking. The main emphasis is on the influence of the new class of copo