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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Influence of Different Wavelengths on the Local Polymerization in UV Coatings
For optimized UV curing, it is essential to know the penetration depth of each spectral part of the incident radiation. The usual opinion is, that the shorter wavelengths, esp. UVC, are used to harden the surface and the longer parts od the influence od short and long wavelength radiation separately.
Inerted UV Tunnel for Wood Applications
In te wood industry, the usage of UV technology is well established for the production of doors, flooring and furniture. Compared to conventional processes, UV technology induces ultra fast curing resultings and furniture. Compared to conventional processes, UV technology induces ultra fast curing resultingin higher production capacity, lower space
Increase of Energy Efficiency of UV Curing Systems
The worldwide acceptance of UV-curing of coatings on film, foils and surfaces is uncontested today. Authorities, associations, chemical industry and mechanical engeneering companies identify themselves withthis environment-friendly technology. All parties involved in the production chain benefit from this environment-friendly technology.
Hybrid Photoinitiator Based on Arene-Iron Complex and a-Hydroxy Alkyl Phenone
A novel bifuntional hybrid photoinitiator was synthesized and characterized. This hybird photoinitiator contain chemical groups wich can start free radical and cationic polymerization simultaneously.
UV-Curable Inks for Industrial Applications on Plastic Substrates
The inderect rotogravure printing process is well known for industrial application on plastic substrates, for example is used for the production of edges and panels for indoor application.
Guide to the Classification and Labelling of UV/EB Acrylates
In response to industry's voluntary product stewardship initiative Responsible Care the CEFIC UV?EB Acrylate Resins sector group produced its GUIDE TO THE CLASSIFICATION AND LABELLING OF UV/EB ACRYLATES. This quide was designed to harmonize the application of the current European chemical regulations and to assist te UV?EB coatings/ink industry.
Free Radical Photoinitiators. Review and Primer
The polymerisation process from UV lamp to polymer. Photoinitiators and the generation of radicals. The chromaphore. Mechanisms of type I and type II initiators
Flame-Retardant Treatment of Cotton Fabrics Using a UV-Curable Phosphrous-Containing Monomer
UV-Curable formulations of Bis 2-(methacryloyloxy phosphate and 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenyl-prpan-1-one, as a difunctional monomers and a photoinitiator respectively, was applied to cotton fabrics for flame-retardancy.