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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Excited State Properties and Molecular Modeling Investigation of 4-(methylthio) phenuyl-2-Morpholinopropanone
The Photophysics of 4-(methylthio) phenuyl-2-Morpholinopropanone was explored through pump probe picosecond spectroscopy. A four-level kinetic scheme involving two excited singlet states and two excited triplet states had been prposed to explain the observed excited state processes.
Effects of Oligomer and Dicuent Selection on the Performance of EB Cured Coatings
Electron bearn curing is a growing market due to low oder and extractebles for food packaging applications, speed of cure, and the recent lower cost of the EB equipment. However, the number of EB cure applications is less than for ultraviolet light cure and the formulation variables are therfore less well understood.
Direct-to-Metal UV Coatings: The Challenges and Solutions
Ultraviolet energy cured coatings have been used for decades in industries as diverse as automotive, electronics, printing, packaging, medical, converting, flooring, furniture and metal pipe and tube. The commonality of all of these applications is that UV Technology had delivered superior economic performance, and many times, had been the technoli
Developments of Solid State UV Light Sources for InkJet Printing Applications
New Developments within inkjet printing industry have led to very large growth rates and adoption for UV curable inks - especially within the Wide Format market segment. The new developments of not only core printing technology but also availabillity of lower cost printers had enabled new applications contributing to the above average growth of thi
Development of Hybrid Thiol-ene/Cationic Dual Photo- and Therminally Curable Systems
One of the popular trends in Polymer science today, is to cxombine monomers that polymerize by different polymerization mechanisms to obain hybrid materials. In this way it is possible to obtain polymers with enhanced properties that may overcome certaindisadventages like the oxygen inhibition ans poor adhesion.
Conductive UV curable Adhesives for Printed RFID Antenna Structures
For the use as RFID antennas conductive adhesives were developed and investigates which are UV curable and could be applied with printing methods like offset printing or flexography. Further investigated aspects of the materials haven been the range of the distance between emitter and receiver.
Comparative study of paints foor wood application using life cycle inventory
Using life Cycle Inventory, a comperative study of envoironmental performance of some paints for wood application known as surfacer was accomplished. Three differnet kinds were studies: ultraviolet, waterborne and solventborne surfacers.
Coating of Decorative Papers with EB-Topcoats for the Use as Laminate Flooring
Nowadays different kinds of products are being used as flooring material. Some classical product groups ave been widely used for centuries; others were developed in more recent times.