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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Chain-Propagation in Photopolymerization of Di-Functional Acrylate and Methacrylate Monomers
Novel di-functional (meth)acrylates having hemiacetal ester units which are thermally degradable were designed and synthesized. The UV curing property of there monomers was studied under N atmosphere and the thermally degradable property of the cured resins was also studied.
Bridging the Gap:VOC Emmissions and Coatings Science Analysis of Current and Future Coatrings Technology Developments 2007-2020 with Focus on Radiation-Curable Solutions
Over the last 30 years, the development of the Paint & Coatings industry has undergone many important changes. In the industrial coatings sector, breakthrough developments in terms of both raw materials and coatings technologies have taken place.
Biological Monitoring for Solvents and Multifunctional Acrylate Vapours in SME Printing Factories
this paper describes a section of the work carried out under the Uvitech Project, whitchh was aimed at adressing the inequality found in the printing industry experienced by SME printers over the introductioenof UV curing technology.
Application of Inclusion Compounds to Photosensitive Diazo Compounds for Improvement of Photo and Thermal Decomposition
The Para-substituted benzene diazo compounds with electron-donating are used as the photo acid generator for micro resist, photosensitive emulsions for the screen printing resists and contrast enhancement lithographic materials.
Advancements in UV PlasmaCure Technology
Until now cure in shadow areas is a crucial limitation for UV-curable caotings in particular to get an extensive cure on 3-dimensional substrates such as car bodies. Conventional mecury lamsp are drawn to their technologic limit as soon as cure of overspray and coating surfaces are difficult to access.
Advanced Radiachromic Radiometry for UV Curing
An advanced study of the use of intrumen-resolved radiachromic radiometry to solve some of the difficulties presented by traditional radiometry in3-D processing, roll-to-roll printing and coating, and ink jet printing. Elements of responsivity, dynamic range, and adaptabitity of various types of film are discussed.
Advanced Photoinitiator Solutions for UV Ink Jet Applications
Interest in inks and related surface coatings that can be cured by ultra-violet radiation is enlarging in the field of digital printing. the well-known and equally well-eccepted advantages that U.V. curable printed inks and vamishes offerin traditional printing techniques are in most part derectlyapplicable to non-impact printing technologies. 
A Digital Solution To FormabilityFor Industrial Inkjet Market
The benifits of UV/EB technology are well known to industry and its end users, resuilting in its use in wide variety of coatings and inks. Furthermore, UV curable technology has played a significant role in traditional inks such as UV offset, litho flexo as well as screen inks.