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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Ways to Increase Adhesion of UV Coatings On Wood
Coatings on wooden substrates for furniture, flooring and interior are a main application for radiation curing lacquers. An important target for development of UV coatings on wood is to increase adhesion. Superior adhesion leads to better whitening behaviour (coin test) and abrasion resistance. Guidelines to improve adhesion on wood are:- Swelling
Time Resolved Nuable Laser Spectroscopy of a Multicomponent Photoinitiating System
A new three-component photoinitiating system (based on isopropyithioxanthone ITX, amine AH and abifunctional benzophenone - ketosulfone BP-SK photoinitiator) for acrylate polymerizationreactions was investigated through time resolved laser spectroscopy. Addition of ITX to BP-SK I AH clearly enhances the efficiency of the photopolymerization of clea
Leading Edge Technology for the Automotive Industy
Team UV began as one of those wild ideas;... Why not coat a racecar using the latest incoating technology? What better way to promote the advances in this leading edge paintfinishing than on a slick, head-turning, high-tech part?The project has gained momentum and promises to provide a platform for showing offthe industries capabilities for some ti
Advances in Cationic Curing of Cyclo-Epoxide systems
In the last few years, work in several laboratories has been directed to the preparation of novel cationic photoinitiators, onium salts. The latter include new structures, such as dialkyiphenacylsulfonium salts (1), as well as more standard onium salts, like the diaryliodonium salts recently registered and placed on the market by Ciba. All these ne
Progress in Cationic Chemistry: Colored UV-curable Powder Coatings
Clear and pigmented IR I UV curable powder systems based on the photo-induced cationic polymerization of solid, bisphenol-A based epoxy resins in the presence of a chain transfer agent have been developed. By extruding the solid resins on standard equipment with pigments and a recently developed co-initiator, it is now possible to coat temperature
Optimizing the photofabrication efficiency of composites: Selection of Photoinitiator and lamp combination
The growing need for high speed fabrication, increasing quality requirements, combined with reduced styrene emissionNOC levels in fiber reinforced composites and gel coats is being met with new light cure technologies. Critical to the success of light curing of composites is understanding' how lamps, photoinitiators and the fiber reinforced resin s
Desing an Performance Characteristics of a Windowless Argon Excimer Source
Emission from rare gas excimers such as , and exhibiting photon energies of 7.2, 8.5 and 9.85 eV, respectively, can be used to induce strong surface modifications of polymers. In particular, argon excimer shows a number of interesting features: the 9.85 eV photons are absorbed within less than 100 nm from the polymer surface giving rise to electron
Enhancement Mechanisms of Photoinitiation System as Incorporating Chemical Additives as Accelerators
Quenching of imidazoyl radical (Im ) formed in photoinitiator systems comprising an aminostyryl dye and a radical generating reagent by a 2-mercaptobenzothiazole(MBT): radical generating reagent;2,2'-bis(2-chlorophenyl)-4,4',5,5'-tetraphenyi-l, I '-bi-IH-imidazole (BI) in a poly(methyl methacrylate) film has been investigated by laser flash photoly