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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Characterization of Low Voltage EB Equipment
Importance of dosimetrically evaluating low voltage electron beam accelerators used to cure coatings, inks and laminating adhesives especially for food flexible packaging applications will be discussed. What is thin film dosimetry? A detail method using it to evaluate these electron beam accelerators will be presented.
New Trends in the Development of Solvent-Free Acrylic PSA Systems
Solvent-free pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) technology is a relatively new generation of industrial technology that allows the manufacture of a new class of self-adhesive technical and medical products. This paper describes the production of solvent-free acrylic PSAs (A-PSAs) with excellent performances and a good balance between adhesive and co
Urethane Acrylates on Metal Substrates
Urethane acrylates offer an excellent property profile as binders for UV curable coatings. They combine toughness, chemical and abrasion resistance with flexibility and, for the aliphatic types, with outdoor resistance as well. Highly recommended applications include, before all, coatings on different types of plastics or top-coats on pre-coat
Combination of Mocrowave Drying and UV Curing for Waterborne Lacquers on Wood Surface
Since April 2001, new EU regulations have become applicable regarding handling emissions fromsolvents based on organic compounds. The VOC Guideline of the European Union also provides for regulations in the fields of wood coating and wood impregnation. Therefore, emission limits apply to facilities using more than 5 t of solvents annually, for both
UV-Curing Polyurethane Dispersions in Industrial Furniture Coatings
Throughout most parts of Europe, an in particular all along the Mediterranean Area, polyurethane (PU) coatings are the system of choice whenever high quality coatings are applied to protect wooden surfaces. The same applies to many other regions, e. g. Japan and above all Greater China.A major part of the PU coatings is applied as a clear coat, in
EB Curing in the Packaging Industry - Oppertunities and Challenges
Electron beam curable acrylic systems are under development as an alternative to conventional solvent based or solvent free adhesives and coatings in the packaging industry. Drivers for packaging converters like Alcan Packaging to consider EB curing as alternative to well known technologies are ecological and economical reasons. In this presentatio
Managing Research and Technology towards Economic Value Maximization
The effects of globalization are of such a nature that they exert increasing pressures on companies to develop new products more effectively and efficiently. In order to meet this challenge, the organisation of the new product development process has received ample attention both in the academic literature and in the practitioner literature. As a c
New Routes to Urethane Acrylates
Known to be able to enhance numerous key performances like adhesion, toughness, flexibility, abrasion resistance, pigment wetting or cure speed, mono- and multifunctional (meth)acrylates bearing urethane groups are widely used in varnishes, inks and adhesives. While mostly used in radiation-curable , these raw materials also find use in other syste