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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
The Effect of Compatibility between Polymer and Reactive Diluent on Properties of UV Cured Films
In the past decades water based UV curing coatings have been developed based on a wide variety of chemical concepts Binders are being used based on a.o. polyurethanes, polyesters, andpolyacrytates Usually the poJymers are modified with ethylenically unsaturated groups, but in a few cases there is no covalent bond between the polymer and the ethylen
Faster and safer UVA Cured Automotive Finishes
Everywhere you go today you hear the same thing, "Faster-Better-Cheaper is needed by all of ourcompanies to survive." This is not only true of our businesses and processes but also with our products and how our products help to make our customers products and operations better. Also, the rate of change continues to accelerate. Alkyds and lacquers d
Photochemistry of Quaternary Ammonium Thiocyanates and Their Behavior as Photobase Generators
Photochemical reactions of quaternary ammonium salts (QASs) bearing phenacyl groups andthiocyanate anions were investigated, and their performance as a catalyst for curing of epoxides was demonstrated. Upon UV-irradiation, QASs having thiocyanate anions generated amines, whichinduced a transformation of resulting thioisocyanates into oxazole-2-thio
Combining Experimental Laser Spectroscopies and Molecular Modeling: Can an New Approach Shed More Light on Primary Processes Involved in Photopolymerization Reaction ?
In this paper, new techniques for the investigation of primary processes involved in photopolymerisation reactions are presented. Experimental techniques such as nanosecond time-resolved FTIR or laser induced photoacoustic calorimetry are discussed with respect to their potential applications for the investigation of photopolymerization processes.
Dramatic Enchancement in Sensitezer Effects for Free Radical Photoinitiators
Radiation curing is a well established technology, nevertheless tuning of the various components inthese formulations to fit particular applications is still a challenge. Therefore, a lot of research hasbeen devoted in the past decade to optimize the key component in such systems, the photoinitiator(P1). The drawback of conventional P1 systems is t
Direct Comparisons Between High and Low Intensity Irradiation on Acrylate Double Bon Conversion
in this study, the influence of UV light intensity (Irradiance, lo) from different UV irradiators wasevaluated with respect to the depth profile (Cd) of double bond conversion in acrylate basedformulations. The UV irradiators evaluated in this study include conventional arc lamps, fluorescentlamps and microwave powered lamps. The investigation was
Process Development for 3D UV Curing via Computer Simulation
The UV curing of coatings on large, three-dimensional (3D) objects is the next frontier in industrial UV processing. These include objects ranging from automobile bodies and parts to aircraft parts and bathtubs. In most cases, process development for 3D curing can be extremely time consuming, especially if the object to be cured is large and is com
UV-radiation Curing of Waterbased Acrylate Coatings
A kinetic study of the UV-curing of waterbased acrylate resins was conducted by means of infrared spectroscopy. Under intense illumination, the crosslinking polymerization occurred in the dried film within less than 1 second. The influence of a number of critical factors on the polymerization rate and cure extent has been investigated, namely the t