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UV CUring Processes for Fiberglass Composites
UV curing is used commercially to cure gel coats and laminate layers of resin and fiberglass inboth open molding and filament winding applications. Typically when a fiberglass fabricator usesa UV curing process productivity increases dramatically, resulting in a clear competitiveadvantage. For this reason not much is shared publicly and there is th
UV Potential in Refinish Application Steps
The objective of this paper is to present the potential for UV coatings in each of the application steps for an automotive refinish repair. The topics discussed will be each of the steps for a refinish repair from body filler to primer, through basecoat, and conclude with clearcoat. In each of the steps, the advantage and challenges of UV coatings
Functionalization of PP: Influence of Various Parameters on Photochemical Surface Modification with Aryl Azides
The modification of polymer surfaces has attracted a lot of interest over the past years. While the bulk properties of commercial polymers fulfil numerous mechanical and thermal requirements, the properties of the polymer surfaces are unsatisfactory in several applications. In recent years, a variety of techniques such as coating, hydrolysis, oxida
Aspects of Radiometry and Process Verification for 3-D UV Processing
As larger and more complex objects are candidates for UV-curable coatings, the challenges of exposing curable surfaces to adequate UV energy become greater. It is desirable to position UV lamps for the most effective exposure, and the least wasted energy. Because complex parts differ from one another, and paint line organization varies, lamp config
Fluorinated Additives In Cationic Photopolymerization
The introduction of fluorine compounds in the UV curable systems could be promising, because of their outstanding properties such as chemical and thermal resistance, optical and electrical characteristics. Moreover fluorinated structures can guarantee hydro- and oleo-phobicity, low surface tension and low friction, which are important characteristi
UV-DualCure Systems for Automotive Applications
Demands on today's automotive clearcoats (CC) are magnifold. Customers would not only like best-inclass values in chemical resistance like etch but also best-in-class properties in scratch as well as perfect levelling and a huge application and window. The demands on process parameters are also high. Good sandability and polishability on one side a
New Photoinitiators for Cationic Polymerisation fer Printing Inks
Various arene-iron complexes were prepared by the treatment of chlorbenzene with ferrocene in thepresence of aluminium chloride (Friedel-Crafts type reaction). These arene-iron complexes decompose under ultraviolet and visible light, and can be used as photoinitiators for cationic polymerisation reactions. The polymerisation activity of the prepare
Curing Properties of Oxetane Derivatives: 3-Ethyl-3-hydroxymethyl-oxetane Formulated with Epoxides
UV-cationic-curing, based on the photo-generation of acid by and consecutive cationic polymerization, was first proposed in 1970's (1). Since then, wide variety of cationically polymerizable monomers such as epoxides and vinyl ether derivatives have been investigated (2). Among these, formulations based on cycloaliphatic epoxy resins (such as '-epo