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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Optimised Matting Agents for UV-curing Coatings
The mechanism for creating matt effects in traditional coatings is well understood in that it relies on incorporating a particulate matting agent in the coating and adequate film shrinkage resulting from evaporation of volatile components enables the particulate to create a microrough surface. Specially designed matting agents are avà i/able, exemp
Photo-Cationic Polymerization of 2-Phenyloxetanes
Photo-cationic polymerization based on photo-generation of acid from onium salts induced byUV light and consecutive cationic polymerization initiated by the generated acid was first proposed in 1970's." Since then, photo-cationic curable materials, using cationic polymerizablemonomers such as epoxides and vinyl ether derivatives, have been widely A
Development of Novel (Meth)Acrylic Monomers
The quality and performance of polymers are critically linked to the cure characteristics of the polymerization system. Improvements in monomer curing efficiency would allow optimum polymer properties to be achieved with minimized irradiation times and intensities, which has significant industrial relevance. The development of monomers that exhibit
Photo-Curable Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Using Alkyl Oxetane
 Pressure sensitive adhesives (PSAs) are widely used in the industrial application and in our daily life, such as packaging, labels, tapes, and so on, because of their excellent characteristics - easy to stick to many kind of substrate without any activation, and easy to peel. Among many kind of PSAs, solvent-borne or water-borne acrylic PSAs
Photopolymerizable Liquid Encapsulants for Microelectronics
The transfer molding process used to encapsulate semiconductor devices suffers from significantproblems due to the high operating temperatures and high pressures required to fill the mold.  These aspects of the current process can lead to incomplete mold filling, thermal stresses, and displacement of the fine wires that provide electrical inte
The Process and benefits of Nitrogen Inertingfor UV curable Coatings with and without the presence of Photoinitiator
Free radical chemistry is still the most widely used UV curable system. There are a wide range of raw materials and applications available to the formulator and end user to achieve the desired properties for their film. During UV curing in air, the presence of oxygen can have a detrimental effect on the cure response of free radical systems - espec
UV Curable Aqueous Dispersion of Acrylic Polymers with Maleimide Group for Wood Coating
With UV irradiation, maleimide derivatives are known to dimerize through triplet exited 2 Utilizing this dimerization, photosensitive polymers with pendant maleimide moiety have been investigated in chemicalindustries. Recentry, un-substituted maleimide derivatives were found to initiate photo-induced polymerization of multi-functional acrylate(MFA
Photo-and Therminal Polymerization of Liquid-Crystalline Monomers
Highly oriented polymers exhibit anisotropy in optical, electric and thermomechanical properties.Polymerization of liquid crystal (LC) monomers has been conducted extensively to obtain polymer LCs (PLCs). LC monomers can be macroscopically aligned by external forces such as electric and magnetic fields, elongational flow, and surface alignment. The