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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
UV Curable Powder Coatings on Wood: New Developments
During the past year, a new UV Powder resin system, developed for applications on wood, was presented on several 23 The technological benefits and performance of this system on MDF (pigmented textured finish), natural wood and veneered composite board (matt / semi-gloss clearcoat) have been published in the September issue of "The European Coatings
Ultrafast Synthesis of Interpenetating Polymer Networdks by Photopolymerization of Expoxides and Acrylate Monomers
 Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN) can be readily synthetized by crosslinking polymerizationof two multifunctional monomers or telechelic oligomers that polymerize by different mechanisms, e.g. radical and cationic types. The main advantage of IPNs is to combine in a single material the properties of the two kinds of polymer networks. An
Novel Photoinitiator Blends - V
A blend of 4 - benzoyl biphenyl (BBP) and a maleimide (Ml) was found to be an excellent photoinitiator for curing a variety of formulations. It was found that a combination of the BBP I Ml blend and an oligomeric amine synergist resulted in a very efficient photoinitiating system. It was found that for some formulations, cure speeds obtained using
Electron poor hetercyclic type I photoinitiators
In recent years photo-polymerization has attracted much attention because of its increasing technical importance in, various. Much effort has been devoted to free radical photoinitiatedpolymerization, mainly due to the availability of a wide range of photoinitiators. For specificapplications this key component has often to be adapted. The spectral
Degree of cure - Measurement and Process Control
In radiation curing, typical reactive sites accessible to conversion are acrylate double bonds, vinyl groups oroxirane moieties. In a photoinitiated polymerisation reaction the reactive sites are consumed during chaininitiation and propagation until all reactive sites have been reacted, or more realistically, until conversion hasstopped. In the lat
Efficiency of Hydrogen Doners in Photo-induced Copolymerisation of NVP and A Water soluble N-alkyl Maleimide
The current work concerns using the Photo-DSC technique to study the rates of photoinitiator free copolymerisation of donor/acceptor pair involving N-vinylpyrrolidinone (NVP), an electron-rich donor and a water-soluble N-substituted maleimide (MI) in the presence of hydrogen donors, in order to evaluate their efficiencies as hydrogen donors. The pr
Vinyl and Propenyl Ethers: their Cationic and Radical Cure
Vinyl ethers are well established as radiation curable materials exhibiting a wide diversity of chemistry 1]. A good selection of reactive monomers and prepolymers is commercially available. These materials possess several attractive features such as low toxicity and high reactivity. The cationic cure (both uv and eb initiated) of these materials i
Influence of different parameters on the scratch resistance of UV coatings
       Surface coatings have two functions: to decorate and to protect. So that coatings perform these functions for as long as possible we to try to devise ways of minimizing the mechanical erosion towhich they are subjected. Radiation-cured systems have made big gains in the coatings market inrecent years. Today