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This knowledge base contains all articles and proceedings ever presented at RTE conferences and seminars. You may search through the database using the filters below. Articles are free of charge for our members (after login).
Effect of coating composition on UV curable powder coatings
Powder coating properties aredetermined to a great extend by the formulation and the cure conditions. This influence is even larger in the case of UV curable powder coatings, since the UV absorbance of additives and pigments directly affects the process of network formation. The effect of coating composition and layer thickness of the coating was s
Importance of Monomer Interfacial Tension for UV Curable Litho Inks Performances
Since many years, the goal of ink-makers is to improve the runnability and lithographic behaviour, dot gain, cure speed and odour for UV offset inks. But unfortunately, the formulation of UV curable printing inks depends on many variables both in ink making and in lithography process. One of the key properties of a good lithographic ink is its abil
Microstructured Polyacrylate Surfaces Generated by UV&EB Curing
During the last decade we observed an increasing scientific interest in fluid-dynamic effects caused by biological surfaces. It has been shown by Abramsom (1] and later by Barthlott and coworkers 2,3] that the well-known perfect cleaning of e.g. Lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera) leafs is caused by water droplets which are able to easily release impurity pa
Radiometric Methods for UV Process Design and Process Monitorring
A wide variety of radiometric instruments are now available for measuring the radiant characteristics of industrial and laboratory UV lamps. Relating these characteristics to the performance of a UV-cured product depends on how well the selected parameters match the critical factors of the cure process. Further, the distinction between process desi
Dialkyphenacylsulfonium Salts: A new Class of Cationic Photoinitiators
     In recent years, cationic UV curing has become a well-established method in the coatings, inksand adhesives industries. Today, UV curing continues strong growth impelled by the generallyexcellent chemical resistance and mechanical properties of polymers produced by the UV cure ofsuch monomers as epoxides and vinyl ethe
Ways to Increase Adhesion of UV Coatings On Wood
Coatings on wooden substrates for furniture, flooring and interior are a main application for radiation curing lacquers. An important target for development of UV coatings on wood is to increase adhesion. Superior adhesion leads to better whitening behaviour (coin test) and abrasion resistance. Guidelines to improve adhesion on wood are:- Swelling
Time Resolved Nuable Laser Spectroscopy of a Multicomponent Photoinitiating System
A new three-component photoinitiating system (based on isopropyithioxanthone ITX, amine AH and abifunctional benzophenone - ketosulfone BP-SK photoinitiator) for acrylate polymerizationreactions was investigated through time resolved laser spectroscopy. Addition of ITX to BP-SK I AH clearly enhances the efficiency of the photopolymerization of clea
Leading Edge Technology for the Automotive Industy
Team UV began as one of those wild ideas;... Why not coat a racecar using the latest incoating technology? What better way to promote the advances in this leading edge paintfinishing than on a slick, head-turning, high-tech part?The project has gained momentum and promises to provide a platform for showing offthe industries capabilities for some ti