1 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00

Throughout the decade of the fifties almost every Graphic Arts publication contained at least one article expounding and debating the relative attributes of letter press and offset (lithographic) printing. It was no contest between these two printing techniques: offset printing was dearly better for all but a few applications. Through the 1960s shect fed offset printing grew in popularity and ultimately became the printing method of choice.

Concurrent with the development of sheet fed offset, litho printing on web presses (web offsct) was looked at as a realistic alternative to roto-gravurc printing. It was believed that web offset would provide a high speed, high quality, low
cost, versatile and efficient alternative to rotogravure web printing.

In order to realize these potential product overcome two major technical obstacles: print quality and color control. In the 1970's these problems were solved and web offset rapidly. became the predominant printing method for publication and commercial press work.

The use of web offset printing for flexible packaging and folding carton applications, on the other hand, was not to occur for some time. There were several technical obstacles which were unique to flexible packaging and folding carton applications that would have to be overcome before web offset could be used for this process application.

1993 Conference Cost Comparison Of Radiation Vs Thermal Curing For Particle Board Coatings Offset Printing Inks And Special Pa
Author: Prof R. Mehnert | 10 pages

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