21 May 2003
Year: 2003
Price: 10.00

Multifunctional thiols, when combined with either electron rich or electron poor enes polymerize rapidly and efficiently to give films with reduced adhesion problems and excellent mechanical properties. The main body of literature on thiol-ene photopolymerization is summarized in a detailed review article by Jacobine.' In general, thiol-ene systems polymerize by a free-radical chain mechanism involving two steps: an initial hydrogen abstraction of a thiol by a carbon centered radical to give a thiyl radical (labeled Propagation 1 below), and a subsequent addition of the thiyl radical to the carbon of another ene functional group (labeled Propagation 2 below) . This two-step radical-chain process, in effect, results in the addition of a thiol group across an ene double bond.

2003 Conference Advances in the Polymerization of Thiol-Ene Formulations
Author: C.E. Hoyle, t. Roper, B. Pan, C. Nason, T. Yeon Lee and T. Turner | 8 pages

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