2 May 1995
Year: 1995
Price: 10.00

When speaking of paint products and environmental protection we must remember, abovà all
else, the real merits of paints in protection of the environment.

This statement may come as a suprise!
In fact, not much notice is taken of paints: as with questions of health, they become evident
when they are absent or when they are in bad conditions.

With a thickness which is measured in thousandths of a millimeter they coat and protect the
surfaces around us: cars, ships, furniture electrical appliances, industrial plants, etc... They absorb
photons from visjble and ultraviolet light; they are a barrier against humidity and corrosive agents
in the atmosphere. They deteriorate and wear but save the underlying surface. Without them
wooden and steel products would be rapidly destroyed by biological decay and corrosion.
Although real defenders of the environment, paints are, however, obliged to attack the
environment during a certain phase of their life.

In fact, a paint is useless if it cannot be applied. It must be possible to apply it with ease as a
thin coat on a surface following the shape and geometry with precision. Therefore the resins
which are the film agent of the paint product must be diluted or dispersed in a liquid phase: a
solvent or a solvent mixture.

1995 Conference Applicationsand Cycles For Polyester Anij Acrylic Products
Author: G. le Rose and F.L. Cota | 9 pages

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