2 May 1993
Year: 1993
Price: 10.00

The growing use of cationic UV-cured coatings results from the unique properties that are inherent
in ring-opening polymerization, particularly improvements in adhesion and other properties over freeradical
UV-cured films. However, cationic chemistry and formulating skill are still less well
understood than for the older free-radical technology.

Cationic curing formulations used in current industrial applications contain triarylsulfonium salts as
photoinitaitor and are based on the following cycloaliphatic epoxide: the "3,4-epoxycydohexylmethyl-3',
4'-epoxycyclohexane-carboxylate" which will be referred to 'ECC. Although ECC is a low viscosity
compound (typically 400 mPa.s), formulations with lower viscosities are needed for certain coating
application techniques, thus requiring the use of reactive diluents.

Cationic UV-curing technology is not restricted to epoxide-containing compounds but include vinylethers,
other electron-rich vinyl compounds and also alcohols (preferably multifunctional) when used
in combination with epoxides. For this reason, several reactive diluents of different generic nature have
been selected and compared regarding viscosity reduction, reactivity and coating properties. The aim
of this study is to provide formulation guidelines and help the formulator in the selection of the best
suited reactive diluent to bring the formulation to the right viscosity and get the coating to meet the
end-use requirements.

1993 Conference Comparison Of Reactive Diluents In Cationic Uv-Curable Formulations
Author: Dr. A. Carroy | 12 pages

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