3 May 1995
Year: 1995
Price: 10.00

Electron-beam curing (non-thermal curing) is used industrially today for the surface
technology in the following fields:
- Curing of pigmented lacquers on doors [1], [2]
- All-around curing of lacquers on mouldings [3], [4]
- Controlled through-curing of coatings on finished parquet [5]
- High scuff-resistant floor-coverings [6]
- Production of high-gloss surfaces in the board industry [7], [8],[ 9]
- Curing of coatings on furniture foils (lacquer from the roll) [10], [11]
- Crosslinking of lacquers on surfacing papers for the production of HPL-(High-Pressure
Laminate) and CPL-(Continuous-Pressure Laminate) material with lacquered surface [12]
- Curing of coatings on boards for outside application [13], [14]
- Lacquering of boards with UV-/EB-curing processes [15]
- Constant crosslinking of pressure-sensitive adhesive masses (Tesakrepp-material)
to increase temperature stability [16], [17]
- Cold post-curing of polyaethylen packaging foil [18]
- Drying of printing inks [19], [20], [21]

Considering that some years ago solvent-free systems, savings in energy or low space
requirements were the main arguments in favour of irradiation of surfaces to dry lacquers with
low-energy electrons, today completely different but important characteristics regarding the use
of low-energy electrons come to the fore:
- high scuff-resistant coatings
- controlled through-curing
- immediate stacking or subsequent treatment of the materials
- high flow rate
- constant product quality
- considerably lower extraction values compared to UV-curing
- acceptable costs at appropriate production quantities
- support by chemistry

1995 Conference Cost Calculation For Wood Surface Coatings By Ebc
Author: Dr. P. Holl | 14 pages

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